Chapter 21

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     Ochiai walked into a room to be greeted with screams of agonizing pain.

"Please! I gave you the information you wanted! Isn't that enough?! Let me live!" a man screamed.

A woman chuckled. "No, it isn't enough. There are two things to remember when you're begging for your life. One is to try and entertain the person holding the gun to your head and the other is to give that person..." She paused and gave a small hum. Her voice audibly changed with a sick grin.

"The other is to give them a convincing reason why they shouldn't kill you. But you haven't managed to do either one of those things."

There was then a sickening crack and the thud of a body hitting the floor.

"Hello, Ochiai. Nice of you to come down and visit."

"Always a pleasure Balalaika. So you got the intel?"

A woman stepped into his view. She had blonde hair and blue-eyed woman with scars across what could be seen of her face, neck, breasts, and legs. Her hair was very long, going down to the base of her spine, and done up in a huge ponytail. She wore a wine red skirt suit with black stockings and black high heels.

"Indeed. I should have my people on it soon. I'll go personally to make sure they are all taken care of," Balalaika said.

"Good. We need the last of the Jashinists out of the way before we have no way of fighting them."

     They were sitting in the living room of Kurotsuchi's home. Each was in a chair across from the other, a coffee table in between them.

"So then, you tracked it back to me." Kurotsuchi said.

"Yes. You thought that by sending those ANBU there to intimidate me into surrendering, you would gain something. Or perhaps you thought it would gain your nation something? I really don't care why though, only that you did." Naruto said.

"Interestingly enough, your grandfather rejected the idea. Smart man. You thought that I wouldn't be able to kill the group you sent to Uzu, or at the very least would have enough trouble dealing with them to be intimidated by your village's forces, and you were wrong."

"They were supposed to have killed you if you hadn't agreed to surrender Orb to Iwa and Kumo."

"Yes. That was one thing I thought funny. You actually convinced the Raikage to send some of his ANBU with your group. Honestly, I might have been hard-pressed to kill them all if I hadn't had two people with me. However, they failed quickly and foolishly. So now the question remains of what to do with you."

"Do you know how many people have threatened me in the past as the Tsuchikage's granddaughter?"

"No, and I don't really care."

"Look, I get what you're doing. Coming here to try and settle things. Try to intimidate me into serving you so it doesn't happen again. I can tell you know it won't work."

Naruto sighed. "I already knew that. The problem you face is much different than you think. You see, this was my home. My home damn it! So I am not here to threaten you. I'm here to kill you."

Naruto shocked her by lunging forward over the coffee table and wrapping his hands around her throat. She tried to remove his hands but failed. She started punching at his face only for his head to come down and smash into her forehead, stunning her for a moment.

He released her, causing her to cough and gasp for air. Before she could regain her senses and try resisting again, he drew a blade and cut off her hands. Immediately he dropped down again and started to choke her once more. She would die. Even as she flailed and tried to get free, sending blood everywhere, she would die.

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