•Blade• (story)

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•Police report•
We have found a large amount of links between multiple homicides in different areas of England. All victims have fatal stab wounds to the upper torso or skull, and all were killed by a person of a violent nature. Many people have reported seeing strange sightings of a hooded figure standing around their neighbourhood in dark alleys or shadows. Another strange sighting includes sightings of a Golden Eagle perched on lamp posts, a bird which is not native to the UK. We have much evidence to conclude that the sudden sightings are connected to the homocides, leading us to believe that if you are being followed by a large Golden Eagle or a hooded figure, preferably if they are dressed with knee high boots, teal leggings and a navy hoodie, that you make contact with the police immediately.


As Blade walked through the shadows of alleyways and flew around neighbourhoods, perching on lamp posts, she would always crane her neck over buildings or out of trees to pick her next target.
She grinned slightly, spotting her next target with ease.

He looked like a man of good nature, but Blade
could tell he couldn't have been if her father seemed to have a long standing grudge against him. He was tall and wore a baby blue top, dark blue jeans and seemingly worn out, smart brown shoes. His short brown hair fit his perfectly carved out face, drowning his dark brown eyes. He also sported some stubble on his chin and a baseball cap. She snickered, watching as he stumbled into his house alone, probably come back from a long day of work.

Blade sat back, waiting as the sun's rays began to dim and dusk swiftly took hold of the area.


Nightfall came and the demonic creature pried her way into the innocent man's house with presicion, careful not to wake him up. As she climbed the stairs with her kitchen knife in hand, she stopped as she saw what adorned the walls.
The male now seemed to interest her even more as she stared at the masks that hung from the walls. She cocked her head to the side, trying to recognise the mostly animal themed masks until she spotted one that she thought looked mildly different from the others.
Her red orbs gazed at the white mask with awe. It wore a wide smile and was embellished with overly rosy red cheeks and exaggerated purple tears gushing like waterfalls down its face. She grinned as she stole it and put it on, making her feel slightly more tolerant about visiting the males house.

As she approached the male's bed, her heart thumped. She looked around the room, finding a computer turned on with a game that seemed to show off the animatronic hunks of metal that they called animals with great pride.

Out of the blue, a floor board creaked, making the guy jump out of his skin, only to turn around from his restless sleep to see her standing there.

"Found you..." she whispered in a hushed voice, grinning behind the mask.
Before he could scream she covered his mouth and stabbed him, releshing every muffled scream she heard. After a while, watching his terrified eyes grow weaker made her bored, so she penetrated his skull, making his body grow limp in an instant.

She sat in the pool of blood he oozed out of his wounds, closing her eyes and asking for her father's judgement on her kill. A prickle in her spine told her he had passed his judgement, and he was pleased with her work.


Sirens wailed as she flew off into the distance, making her smirk as she realised what she had done.

My Creepypasta Oc's originsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora