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Marshal Rivers grew up in a small neighbourhood in the countryside of England. The warm colours of the sunsets and sunrises calmed him down, and the emerald, rolling hills contained more than just cattle to him.

"MARSHAL! FOR THE THIRD TIME GET DOWN HERE AND FEED YOUR GOD DAMN CAT!" His dad yelled up at him from the bottom of the stairs as he lay in his bed.

His older sister snickered, twisting her golden locks with her finger. Her other brothers twitched with anger as he walked out of his room. They eyed him with softer expressions, looking back at their older sister with angered faces.

Trotting around the house, Marshal completed his chores and patted his cat Eren on the head, his purring calming him down. As he bent over, his mother playfully pushed him over, making him loose his balance and fall on his side. He looked up at his mum, smiling and picking Eren up, sitting on the side.

His dad stormed through the front door, slamming it shut with a low grunt. He rampaged through the kitchen, slamming his wife into the side.

"Where in the hell is my dinner?" He yelled right in her face, making her expression stone cold.

Marshal froze. He was caught up in another one of his parent's arguements. His brothers swung around the door. His oldest brother, Gary, almost slingshotted their father into the opposite wall.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING TO MY MOTHER YOU SON OF A-!" Gary started before he was interrupted by a crack and his own scream.

He had been kicked in the side by their father. Gary's eyes welled up with tears as he dropped to the ground, coughing and spluttering. Their dad spat on the ground next to him, eyeing Marshal.

"Well... don't just sit there... help your brother up to his room. Lock yourselves in your rooms, I don't want to see your faces..." Their father somehow calmly replied.

Marshal scrambled for his brother, letting Eren scamper for safety in his cat bed. Marshal slung his brother's arm around his shoulders, slowly shuffling out of the room with his other brothers behind him. Gary wheezed, some of his ribs very obviously cracked.

As Gary lay on his bed, his ribs cracked. He slowly drifted off to sleep. His twin brother, Richard, seemed to copy him. Soon after everyone in the house was asleep.

Unfortunately a very vital gas cooker had been left on, the flames spreading around the house. Soon, Marshal woke up to the loud mews of Eren. He woke up, smelling burning. His eyes widened as he packed up all the meaningful belongings to him, including Eren.

He sprinted into his brother's rooms, informing them of the fire, forgetting his parents and his big sister. His brothers gathered their belongings, skidding out of the door. Marshal regretted the fact he didn't give his mother and his sister a chance to leave, so he bounded straight back in.

The fire had spread through the whole house, which must have made enough smoke to kill his parents and his sister. He stormed into his sister's room, only to find a gruesome sight. Her stomach had been ripped open and some of her vital organs were taken, and a shadowy figure carelessly jumped from the window.


Marshal reached his hand out, the contents of his sister still on show. He held up one of her beaten up lungs, intruigued. A sudden ache was sent through his whole body, a sort of craving that seemed to make many normal people spill their stomachs.

He ravenously savaged the organ, his taste buds joyously enjoying the flavours. Once it was mostly devoured, Marshal coughed, the smoke filling his lungs. He crawled from the house, forgetting what he did.


It is unclear what happens next in the story. Some people say that they were held in an asylum, experimented on and then released willingly to cause rampage. Others agree, but with the story ending in them forcefully escaping at their own will.

Others decide to sugarcoat the story with the 'happily ever after' cliche, making them seem all innocent and sweet. Most people guess their origin as unknown, and this story and it's many theorised endings to be completely fan made and absurd.

That decision chalk be left up to you to make...

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