•New Oc!•

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Hi guys!

I just wanted to say I have a new oc, but I don't have the personal drive to actually work out a story or even draw her. I will give you a little bit of information about her though, just so you get the gist of what she is like.

Also, slight trigger warning, there is mention of touching subjects, so she may not be the best person to read about to be fair...

Age and gender
Age: unknown
Gender: Female

Physical Description
Hailey is about 5'9, so she isn't as tall as some of the others *cough cough* Cassidy *cough cough* . She has chalk white hair and red eyes. She wears a tattered old, long dress (supposed to be below her feet, but she can clip it up if she wants to.) and a cloak to match. She also wears a long, tattered scarf that looks very similar to hands (because they are, but I will tell you how in a minute) and she wears a mask, one of which looks very similar to a Plague Doctor's mask.
Words/phrases to describe her
Harsh, cruel, triggering, (as in she she uses tender subjects as a weapon, if that's what you would call it???) strong, independent, slightly loveable hardly ever though
Supernatural Abilities
A type (I think???) of Molecular Manipulation:
She can create whatever weapon or object she desires, this also includes creating large structures (which she can rarely even do before you call her a Mary Sue) and making large structures/objects disappear.
Object Manipulation:
I'm not sure if this would go under her first power, but this is how she moves around her scarf. Her scarf acts as extra hands (so I guess kinda like the Shadow Brothers) but she can willingly moved her body.
Danger level out of 10
Hailey's danger level out of 10 would probably be a 7. This is because she can hang you from anywhere she pleases (this is what I meant by 'triggering'). The only way to stop her from doing that is by going into a big plain of land and keep far away from trees or any surfaces she can attach you to, this also includes roof edges, ceilings etc.

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