•The Shadow Brothers• (descriptions and traits)

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•Fi (aka Gary)•
Age and gender
Age: not specified/up for interpretation (just remember he is older than all of his other siblings that are living)
Gender: Male
Physical Description
Fi is 5'8, (he isn't the tallest of them all but he's getting there...) he has short, fluffy blonde hair and dark-ish blue eyes.
He wears a high collared black jacket with rolled up sleeves, a white t-shirt, black trousers and shoes and a striped green scarf. He also wears a plain white mask with many eyes on them.
Words/phrases that describe him
Sadistic, bossy, loving, caring, slightly strong, stealthy
Supernatural Abilities
Dual shadow hands (I didn't know what to call it...):
This enables Fi (Gary) to use another pair of hands. These hands were completely experimental, but they are shadow like hands. He can use them like a normal pair except the use of them costs something. His control over the body for the time the power is being used.
Danger level out of 10
Fi hasn't got a very high rating on the list. This is because even though he has a powerful power, he may not be able to use it to his full ability if he doesn't have full control of his body. This would leave him lying in the dust at a 5 (I mean, not that low, but still... lower than Two Face and some of the others...).

•Zora (aka Richard)•
Age and gender
Age: not specified/up for interpretation (he has to be the same age as Gary because they are twins, so whatever age Gary is, Richard is...)
Gender: Male
Physical Description
Zora is an identical twin to Fi, so they look pretty much the same, other than a few minor changes to the eyes on the mask.  (Please don't day you weren't expecting this... please?) He is 5'7, so an inch shorter.
Words/phrases to describe him
Sadistic, caring, thoughtful, physical (don't think dirty my people, ITS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!) (as in he is physically fit and enjoys physical activities).
Supernatural Abilities
I suggest you have a look at Fi's abilities, they are pretty much the same. And also, to save you the time of scrolling down to the danger levels, they are the same level, since they all have to pay the same price for their power. Please don't kill me for this T^T

•Zen (aka Sam)•
Age and gender•
Age: not specified/up for interpretation (he has to be younger than Four, since he is the youngest sibling)
Gender: Male
Physical Description
Zen is 5'5. Yes he is small but I like my boys small UwU. Erm anyways, he has a similar appearances with fluffy blonde, short hair and dark-ish blue eyes, but his hair is styled slightly different.
He wears very similar clothing to his older brothers, except he has a plain green scarf which isn't striped. He also wears no gloves and his sleeves are rolled up.
Words/phrases to describe him
Childish, immature, still learning, giggly, bubbly, sadistic, sometimes hardcore (lol don't ask me in what way, idek myself XD)
Supernatural Abilities
The dual hand thingies (XD):
The only acception to this is that he traded some of his sanity, meaning he can actually control his body whilst using this power. (Before you ask, he is very sane compared to his brothers).
I am basically confirming that they were experimented on in an asylum :/. He has the power to regenerate limbs at a fast rate. He cannot use the power if his head is miraculously chopped off, because he needs his brain to function the power.
Danger level out of 10
Since Zen can actually control his body and has the power of Regeneration on his side, he can sit up on number 7.

Just saying, before we get into the next chapters, I would just like to say that before you say, "Wait, why can't the other brothers have regeneration and all the other cool stuff Zen has?" Well, lemme answer that.
You can't really choose what you give in to the power, it was only experimental, and it had worked on Fi, so they decided to give it to the other Shadow Brothers. This means that no matter what you would have given in for that period of using the power, anything can be taken, from ranges of your sight to total control of your body.
If you didn't really care at all...

I'm so sorry I wasted your time T^T...

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