
268 13 2
  • Zadedykowane StacyandJeff Lott

Ever since I could remember I had spent Christmas with Jude. It was a tradition that went back to when we were toddlers. I remember it like it was yesterday when Jude moved into my life. We were three years old at the time. The leaves had just begun to turn and the days had begun to grow shorter and shorter. I don't remember a whole lot from back then but I remember the little boy with big brown eyes and blond hair. It turns out that our parents knew each other as well. Our fathers grew up in the same foster family for a few years any way. So soon after the tradition was started. Even years were at my house odd years were at his.

**Five years ago**

"You read too much," Jude sighed as he flopped down onto my bed making both me and my book bounce.

"And you don't read enough," I scoffed looking up at him.

"I read what I need to," he shrugged making me roll my eyes.

"You mean you read what you're forced to read," I argued placing a bookmark between the pages.

"Yeah,yeah same thing," he laughed.

"What do you want Jude?" I asked looking into his warm eyes. He had a way of making my heart skip a beat. Or making my nerves run rampant throughout my body. Jude just had that power over me. He was attractive with shaggy blond curls and big brown eyes that you could get lost in forever. Not to mention he was kind, funny and well pretty much perfect.

"Well Christmas is coming up," he breathed sitting up.

"Clearly," I smiled glancing out at the snow frosted winter wonderland. "You're point?" I asked turning back to him.

"Well its the last Christmas before we go off to school," he breathed. I really hadn't thought of it but he was right. This was our grade twelve year which meant we would be off at college next year. However normal college students went home for the holidays.

"Yeah but we'll be coming back for the holidays," I smiled laying down beside him.

"Things happen. Life happens," he sighed.

"Yeah but we have all year to plan on a trip back I only live a few hours away and your school will be on the way back we can carpool back together," I offered.

"Lila," he breathed quietly sitting up so he was looking down at me. My stomach did this weird flippy thing making me swallow hard. "Lets make a promise to see each other every year for Christmas."

"But we already do," I answered slightly confused.

"Just promise okay?" He asked hopefully.

"Okay, okay I promise to see you every year for Christmas no matter what," I smiled up at him. I could tell something was bothering him . More than what he was letting on.

"Good," he smiled back.

"Shake on it?" I asked. Jude had this thing with promises. Sealing them with a handshake showing both parties agree.

"Not this time," he answered making me look at him slightly confused. "This is a seal with a kiss kind of promise," he added quickly making my cheeks burn with embarrassment. He wanted a kiss? A kiss from me? I mean I had know him for pretty much my entire life but nothing ever happened between us. Jude dated and I dated we just didn't date each other.

"A kiss?" I questioned quietly.

"A kiss," he answered surely. Hell why was I arguing this? He was a handsome guy. Any girl would surely murder me to take my place.

"Okay," I finally whispered before his lips pressed against mine in our first kiss and our last kiss. Well what I thought was our last kiss.

Christmas when you were mineOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz