chapter 16: Have yourself a merry little Christmas

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Last night was probably the best sleep I had gotten in months. One thing was certain. I went to bed with a smile on my face and definitely woke up with one. I suppose that was what happened when you had the best kiss you've ever had.

"Morning," I chirpped happily to my parents when I waltzed into the kitchen. I felt like nothing in the world could put a damper on my mood. I was wrong when my eyes landed on Owen sitting at the seat Jude normally took. My good mood instantly evaporated like the steam from a nice warm coffee.

"Morning Delilah," his voice breathed in a sickly sweet tone making my stomach turn.

"What the hell are you doing here Owen?" I snapped staring into his ice cold eyes.

"I came to see my girl," he smiled making my blood boil.

"I am not your girl Owen," I hissed. " I thought I was pretty clear when I told you that I wanted nothing to do with you."

"I know you didn't mean it babe," he winked.

"Okay how about this get out of my house before I call the cops," I growled.

"Delilah that's no way to talk to guests," my mother scolded.

"This man is no guest mom. He is the scum of this planet. A two timing cheat that doesn't deserve the right to be called a guest here let alone anywhere."

"I'm in the room Lila," Owen hissed.

"I know," I snapped back.

"Ouch you're breaking my heart Lila," Owen faked a hurt expression.

"Like you broke mine?" I hissed.

"Did you get my gift?" He asked clearly not wanting to answer my question.

"Yeah I did," I breathed through my teeth.

"And?" He asked hopefully.

"Not even if hell froze over," I answered. "Now I'm going out and when I get back I want you gone. That means out of my life for good." I snapped walking to the living room grabbing the ring he sent me. I stomped back into the Kitchen slamming the box down in front of Owen. "Goodbye Owen."

I stormed out of the house making my way to Jude's parents house. I stomped right into Jude's room where he was luckily still Sleeping. I quickly crawled into his bed. His arms wrapped around me instantly making me feel safe even with Owen next door.

"Morning Lila," Jude's voice whispered into my ear. I smiled as his breath teased my skin playfully. "What brings you to my bed so early?" He asked playfully.

"Oh you know," I answered quietly.

"Well I could get used to this," he breathed pulling me in even closer. I smiled as his warmth wrapped around me.

We stayed like this for hours. In our own little bubble. At about noon we figured we should probably get up. I watched as Jude moved around his room as he got ready for the day. I noticed how his jeans hugged his hips in an overly sexy way.

"Like what you see?" Jude asked playfully.

"I don't know," I teased. "I think working at the bakery has damaged your figure," I giggled. Jude moved quickly lifting me into his arms. I squirmed a little but it was no use.

"Are you saying I'm getting fat?" Jude growled.

"Maybe," I laughed as he tossed me onto his bed.

"What am I going to do with you Miss Montgomery?" Jude breathed leaning down. His warm breath brushing my lips.

"I don't know Jude," I answered before capturing his lips in a kiss.

"So tell me what really brought you here?" Jude asked once again. "I mean I love the surprise but you never show up here like that."

"Would me saying it was your amazing charm suffice?" I asked looking into his brown eyes.

"Maybe, if I knew it wasn't something else," Jude answered.

"Fine," I sighed. "Owen showed up," I breathed.

"Dumb ass that gave you up?" Jude asked.

"Yeah," I nodded. "But I told him to get out of my life for good," I assured him.

"Okay," Jude answered his voice sounding slightly unsure. "But if he's not gone I can't be blamed for what happens," Jude chuckled. I knew Jude could handle himself in a fight but I also knew he wasn't really the fighting type. He played hockey and football when we were kids so it wasn't like he couldn't fight. He just didn't. That was one of the things I really liked about Jude. He didn't go looking for trouble at least not like that.

"I'm sure it won't come to that," I smiled as we made our way out of his room. I glanced out the window and frowned when I saw Owens car still parked at my parents house. Why couldn't he just get the picture already.

"Wanna go make a scene?" Jude asked wrapping his arms around me from behind. He rested his chin on my shoulder as he looked out the window.

"What did you have in mind?" I asked nervously.

"Just go with it," Jude breathed making me shiver. This was not going to be good. Jude let go of me slipping his hand into mine,as we walked over to my parents house.

"Hi Mr and Mrs Montgomery," Judes voice boomed as he smiled a goofy grin. I swear I saw red flash in Owens eyes when he saw Judes hand in mine.

"Good afternoon Jude," my mother smiled giving us a slightly confused look.

"Who's he?" Owen snapped eyeing up Jude for a fight.

"None of your buisness," I growled. "I thought I told you to be gone when I got back."

"I thought we could talk first," Owen hissed.

"Okay Owen lets talk," I smiled letting go of Judes hand. I moved to the table sitting directly across from him. "Where should we start," I asked looking into the ice cold pools of blue Owen called eyes. "You know what don't say anything I'll talk. Lets start with Maria. You remember Maria right? Long brown hair brown eyes. She used to come to our house to do homework with me. I guess thats because she was my partner and my friend. The closer Maria and I got the closer you and Maria got. Until one day I got called into work early when Maria was there. Trusting you I decided to let you both finish the movie. Little did I know that there was a lot more to it. When I got home I found you and Maria in our bed. Shall I continue?"

"Delilah its not like that," Owen practically choked out.

"Okay, fine. How about we go to the part where you tried to blame me for the whole thing. You know what you almost had me believeing it. However I see you for what you are now. A boy who can't control himself. You don't deserve me. Buying a ring and scribbing a half ass apology will never get me back. So please get out of my house. Take your ring and your lame apologies. Stay out of my life. And since it's that time of year have yourself a very merry Christmas with that backstabbing woman I used to call a friend."

I watched as Owens face turned red in anger. Luckily for him he didn't answer. He just got up for the table before walking to the door. Stoping at Jude mumbling something under his breath that I couldn't hear. Before I could blink an eye Judes fist had been firmly planted into Owens nose. Owen let out a yowel as his hands cupped his now bleeding face before walking out the door.

"What did he say?" I asked looking at Jude carefully.

"It doesn't matter," Jude breathed moving to the sink to wash his blood covered hand.

I frowned at his response but dropped the subject. I knew Jude wasn't going to tell me and I really didn't want to let Owen ruin Christmas.

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