Chapter 15: Silent Night

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About half an hour later Jude parked the car in a place I hadn't been in years. I looked at him slightly confused. There was nothing out here. I'm sure he saw the worry in my eyes because he shot me a warm smile before answering my un-asked question.

"I figured we could make snow angels like old times," he winked. I shook my head at him as he opened the door stepping out of the car into the snowy surroundings. I looked out the windshield looking at all the towns lights. This was a place Jude and I discovered when we were seventeen and Jude liked to drive around looking for new things and places. It wasn't very far away from home but from up here everything just seemed so small. Jude knocked on my window making me jump slightly. "Coming?" He asked though the frosty glass. I nodded before opening the door.

He slipped his hand into mine leading me to a small clear untouched patch of snow. I laughed as he flopped us both down onto the ground and as he started frantically moving his arms and legs to make an angel. I followed suit giggling the whole time. Jude and I might fight but he always knows the right way to turn my frown upside down.

"This is a lot colder than I remember," he chuckled looking at me.

"Well last time we did this I'm positive we were wearing proper winter clothing," I giggled back.

"Yeah I guess so huh?" he responded looking up to the sky. The stars had just started to come out making everything look pretty. "You know what? I haven't sat and actually looked at the stars in almost three years. Its weird how life just kind of makes you forget the beauty of things."

"I know what you mean," I smiled letting out a soft sigh. We sat and looked up at the stars for a while longer. Until the snow started to melt beneath us. "You know when we get up we are going to be soaked. Probably going to get sick too," I breathed looking at Jude.

"Well lets get back in the car. Wouldn't want to be sick for Christmas," He smiled getting up quickly before helping me to my feet again. We made our way back to his car slipping into the back seat with a blanket wrapped around us. Jude cracked open the hot chocolate taking a sip before passing it to me.

"Do you remember the last time we came up here?" I asked looking out the window onto the town below.

"Yeah it was the summer before we left for college," he answered with a lazy voice.

"Sometimes I wish we could just go back," I breathed quietly leaning my head against his shoulder.

"Nah," he chuckled. "I like you like this," he added quickly making me blush slightly. Leave it to Jude to say something sappy like that making my heart race. He made me feel like a high school girl again with her first crush.

"Yeah?" I asked quietly looking down at the thermos of hot chocolate in my hands.

"Yeah," he answered. "You're beautiful inside and out Lila. Even though you've been through some pretty bad stuff you still have a smile that can light up a room."

Surely if I wasn't blushing already I was now. My heart beat frantically as the butterflies in my stomach began to dance like crazy. Everything up here was quiet and out of the way from all the busy rush of things. The only things I could hear were Jude's low breathing and the sound of my own heart racing. For once I wished this silent night would stay like this forever. Keeping us stuck in this moment forever.  Goosebumps sprung across my skin as he gently brushed my hair behind my ear before turning my face so I was looking into his eyes instead of the thermos.

My heart was beating so hard I was sure Jude could hear it thumping against my rib cage. I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat. I could feel his warm breath against my skin as he moved slightly closer. My nerves began flooding my entire body. I sucked in a small breath as he leaned in even closer. My heart was on the verge of stopping completely when his lips touched mine. My eyes fluttered closed instantly. 

The kiss was slow and passionate. It was the type of kiss that made everything else around me fade away. This time his kiss was sweet and tasted like chocolate instead of wine. Either way it was a kiss from Jude. Something I thought would never happen again. His one hand gripped the back of the seat as the other wound itself into my hair as he deepened the kiss. His tongue traced my bottom lip asking for acceptance which I instantly gave into. Our tongues danced an unsure dance that quickly turned into an urgent desire of lust.

There were three things I knew for sure at that moment. One this place would never be the same after this. Two silence was going to give me chills, and three I would never grow tired of kissing Jude.

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