Chapter 17: On this winters night

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I placed a cloth with ice on Judes knuckles looking into his eyes. This wasn't the first time I've done this for him and I was pretty sure this wouldn't be the last time either. I frowned slightly looking at the small cuts that were on his middle two knuckles. I guess he caught more of Owens upper teeth than nose.

"You know you didn't have to hit him for me," I breathed quietly.

"What kind of best friend would I be if I didn't defend your honour. Besides one thing is for sure you don't have to worry about me sleeping with your ex. He's not my type,"  Jude winked. I giggled as I crawled onto his lap.

"Tell me Jude Walters what exactly is your type?" I asked kissing his cheek playfully.

"Well I like a woman who's strong," he stated huskily.

"Oh yeah?" I asked raising an eyebrow at him.

"And smart," he breathed. "It drives me crazy when I look into a pair of gorgeous blue eyes," he added.

"I have blue eyes," I whispered into his ear making him swallow hard.

"I know," he murmured in a small voice that was barely loud enough to register. I placed a kiss beneath his ear making him shiver under the gentle touch. "Someone who knows me like she knows herself," he added.

"Well I've known you for a very long time now," I answered placing a kiss about a centimeter beneath the last one. Goosebumps spread across his skin making me smile slightly.

"What are we doing?" He breathed making me pause for a second.

"Honestly I don't know," I admitted. "I guess you were just always there but not. If you know what I mean. I only saw you as a friend but I guess. There was a line that I guess I never even thought of crossing."

"I think I know what you mean," Jude answered his thumb tracing my cheek gently as he tilted my head to look into my eyes. My heart skipped a beat as his fingers lingered on my skin. I let out a sigh as I leaned into his touch. In that moment I just wanted to be close to him. I needed to feel his warmth.


"Lila," Jude's voice breathed from behind a snow pile. I turned to face him only to be pelted by a snowball.

"Don't you think you're a little old to be playing in the snow," I sighed looking at him. His eyes sparkled with a playful mischief.

"I'm seventeen not dead," Jude responded throwing another snowball at me.

"I'd say more like five," I smiled turning away from him. Before I could even take two steps Jude had tackled me to the ground.

"I'll show you five," he teased turning me over so he was looking down at me. His snow covered mitten brushed away a strand of golden hair from my face. I stared into his dark eye noticing the flecks of gold for the first time.

"Come on Jude you're going to get me sick. Christmas is in three days and if you get me sick I swear I'll murder you," I growled.

"I never noticed that your eyes were a blue hazel," he breathed.

"Always have been," I answered rolling my eyes. "Now get off of me you're heavy and its cold."

"Sure thing sunshine," he winked helping me up. I quickly wiped the snow from my butt frowning at him. I leaned over picking up a small clump of snow before throwing it at Jude before high tailing it the opposite way. I ran as fast my legs would go. Unfortunately for me it wasn't fast enough Jude caught up in a matter of minutes. Why was he blessed with long legs?


I smiled as the memory filled my thoughts. I looked into Judes eyes seeing the fleck of gold in the warm chocolate brown. I might not have realized it then but I think that was the year Jude stole my heart without me even knowing. I should have know by the way he could always take my breath away.

"You know there is no one I would rather be with on this winter's night," I smiled leaning against his shoulder.

"Well we've been two peas in a pod for nearly twenty years now," Jude laughed. He was right of course. I coudn't even picture my life without him at this point. I was tied to Jude Walters whether I liked it or not.

"Well we should head to bed we have the Christmas party tomorrow," I smiled standing up. I felt a sudden chill from the distance that was now between us. "See you tomorrow?" I asked softly.

"Of course," he smiled standing up as well.  I frowned slightly when his smile didn't reach his eyes.

"Whats wrong?" I asked slightly concerned. Did he hurt himself more than what he was letting on.

"I really don't want to go," he breathed running a hand through his blonde hair.

"So don't," I responded quietly. It's not like it would be the first time he's slept in my bed. He slipped his hand into mine as we made our way upstairs. I grabbed a pair of pajama pants and a tank top before making my way to the bathroom to change. I quickly slipped out of the clothes I had worn today changing into the pajamas I had brought with me. I quickly brushed my teeth before tying my hair into a pony tail. I made my way back to my room only to find Jude snuggled under the blankets already.

"Come here," he breathed lifting the blanket for me to get in beside him. I crawled onto the bed his arms wrapping around me instantly making my heart race once again.

"Night Jude," I breathed happily.

"Goodnight Lila," he replied softly. His heart beat was steady and lulled me to sleep quickly.

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