Chapter 20: Baby! It's Christmas

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The next morning we woke up at around eight o'clock in a tangle of sheets. Jude had spent the night again. I felt like my heart was about to rip at the seams. Life had a weird way of working itself out  Jude and I had jumped in and I didn't even think about looking back. It was like he said all those years ago. He was the other half to my soul. I finally knew what it meant to actually feel complete.

"Merry Christmas," I whispered into Judes ear softly. He wrapped his arms around me stealing a sweet kiss.

"Merry Christmas  beautiful," he smiled against the base of my neck.

"We should probably get down stairs before they send a search and rescue team up for us," I giggled.

"I don't know I just got you all to myself. I don't think I'm quite ready to share just yet," he breathed kissing a trail of kisses along my jaw line. Shivers ran over my skin with each warm kiss. My heart raced like crazy.

"Jude please," I begged pressing my hands against his chest. He let out a soft sigh before letting me go. I quickly stood up making my way to the door.

"You better have a pretty good present for me under the tree,"he breathed.

"Well you'll just have to wait and see," I winked before slipping out the door. I walked slowly downstairs my skin still tingling in the spots Jude had touched. I heard Jude walking behind me making my breath hitch in my throat. His hand slipped into mine making my skin sizzle. Our parents looked at us confusion filling their eyes for a split second before they turned back to what they were doing.

I walked into the kitchen pouring a cup of coffee for myself. Jude wrapped his arms around my waist kissing my neck as I poured him a cup. The smell of fresh cinnamon buns filling the room. I could get used to this feeling. I smiled as I leaned back against Judes chest soaking up his warmth.

"You two coming?" Judes father called from the living room.

"Be right in," Jude and I answered back in unison. Jude stole a sweet kiss from me before grabbing a plate of cinnamon buns. I followed after him with the coffee. We sat on the floor like the other night as Jude's mother passed around the presents.

I sat back and watched our families laughing and smiling. There was a joyful feeling in the air that made me smile happily. It was nice all of us being together again. I leaned my head against Judes shoulder as his mother opened the sweater Jude and I had picked out for her. His father and mine both laughed when they opened the identical mugs they had bought each other unknowingly. My mother loved the spa gift certificate I had gotten her. All in all everything was going perfect.

I watched as Jude slowly opened the gift I had brought home for him. It wasn't much a pair of tickets to the movies and a bottle of Tullamore Dew Whiskey with a glass. He smiled when he opened the gift before placing a small box in my hand. I opened it slowly before finally revealing a silver necklace with a simple heart pendant with a single diamond set in the center.

"Oh my gosh," I smiled looking at the necklace. "Its beautiful," I breathed looking into his warm eyes.

"Do you like it?" he asked nervously.

"I love it," I answered wrapping my arms around his neck. "Thank you."


After dinner we found ourselves alone by the fireplace. My fingers traced over the pendant for what had to have been the thousandth time. Jude cracked open his whiskey pouring two shots before handing me one. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"I'd like to make another promise," he smiled.

"Oh yeah?" I asked remembering the last one.

"From now on we should spend Christmas together," he winked.

"I figured that was the plan," I smiled.

"Yeah but last time it didn't really work out," he shrugged.

"How about this?" I asked setting the shot glass on the table. "I Delilah Montgomery promise to love you Jude Walters," I smiled sweetly at him.

"And that you'll spend each and every Christmas in my arms," he added.

"Fine. I also promise to spend each and every Christmas in your arms."

"And I promise that I Jude Walters will love you Delilah Montgomery with each and every breath I take. I also promise to spend each Christmas with you in my arms," he smiled warmly. "How shall we seal the deal?"

"With a kiss, of course," I winked before placing my lips on his.

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