Chapter 19: one more sleep

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I closed my eyes before stepping away from the railing. Without thinking twice I just walked away leaving Jude alone once again. If he didn't want me in his life fine. But that didn't mean I was about to let him crush my heart at a party. I deserved better than that especially after nearly twenty years. My heals clicked quickly against the floor as I practically sprinted out of the house. A tear trailed down my cheek as I rushed to my house. I went upstairs locking my door behind me. I quickly stripped off the dress kicking it to the floor. I flipped the picture of Jude and I face down. I didn't want to think of him right now.

My chest felt tight as I tried my hardest to keep myself from sobbing. I was not going to let him make me cry. I paced back and forth replaying his words over an over again. What had I done wrong? I mean I could understand if he didn't like me that was but to throw away our friendship because of it? My mind thought back to our kiss up in our secret spot. How could he kiss me like that and feel nothing? I was positive I could be diagnosed with whiplash the way he was making me feel.

I pulled on a tank top and a pair of pajama pants before crawling onto my bed. I drew my knees up to my chest leaning my chin on top of them. His scent filled the air around me making me curse his name. I stood up tugging the linens off of my bed in a fit of rage. I lugged them downstairs stuffing them into the washing machine quickly. So far this was turning out to be the worst Christmas I've had yet. I sat down in the kitchen as the washing machine cleaned away any trace of Jude possible.

"Well I mean I liked the red dress but I can't say I hate this look," Judes voice breathed from behind me making a chill run down my spine.

"Go away," I growled keeping my eyes locked on the door way to the laundry room.

"Did I do something wrong?" he asked quietly. His voice sounded slightly confused and hurt making me feel guilty.

"Really? You're going to make me feel like the bad guy?" I sapped as the feeling of guilt fleeted.

"I have no clue what you're talking about Delilah. I'm not trying to make you the bad guy. I don't know how you even got that idea. We were talking and then you just walked away from me," he answered making my blood boil.

"Are you clueless or just stupid?" I growled. Shooting him an angry look. I was done with letting people walk all over me. Jude was no exception to that rule.  He took a shaky step towards me.

"Delilah what has gotten into you?" He asked softly.

"You told me our friendship wasn't going to work out," I answered shooting him a hurt look.

"What no I didn't," he responded quickly dropping to his knees in front of me.

"Yes you did. Your exact words were 'I don't think our friendship is going to work out,' Jude," I snarled.

"Delilah," he sighed placing a hand against my cheek. " You didn't let me finish."

"What else are you going to do Jude? Tear my heart out and stomp on it too?" I asked tears filling my eyes. "I can't take that," I breathed quietly.

"Delilah I would never," he whispered inching closer to me. I let my eyes fall to the ground as his words washed over me. "If you let me finish," he added softly. His thumb traced a circle against my skin. Heat covered my skin with each brush of his finger. "Our friendship is not going to work out because I want more." My heart skipped a beat at his words. He wanted more? Jude actually saw me like that? His lips pressed to mine in a soft wanting kiss. His lips were soft and lush and tasted like peppermint. "I think I've always wanted more, and that guy sending you a ring just made those feelings come out more. I don't want anyone else to have you Delilah."

"What are you saying?" I asked nervously as he pulled away from me slightly.

"I'm saying that I love you Delilah Montgomery," Jude answered before kissing me again. I swear I saw fireworks explode. There was no where I'd rather be than in this mans arms.

Christmas when you were mineTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang