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I stuffed the small knife into my shoe And tightened the ones in my boots. I was getting ready to go out with my parents, David and Jody along with her older sister.

We had been called to deal with a group of vampires outside Chicago, this will be the third time I have been allowed to go out since passing my training.

After making sure I had everything on I made my way towards Jody's room. I opened the door to see her lacing up her boots.

Jody had quite an athletic build and had the elegance of a cat. She was the same age as me but possessed much more skill. She got to go of mission more frequently than I did because of it.

  her short, blonde curly hair that reaches her shoulders swayed as she turned to look at me. A smile edged it's way on her lips as she looked at me.

" ready to go" I asked, she nodded before grabbing her crossbow of bed desk and  heading towards the door.

We walked down the halls of the compound towards the training area where everyone else was waiting.

Entering the big room, I gazed at all the weapons and glass windows spread out across the walls.

" ready to get going " asked my father. We nodded as he grabbed the keys for the black SUV parked outside.

During  the driving father discussed what was going to happen. He mentions we where going in blind and had to split up to cover more ground.

He split us off into groups. Him and my mother, david and jess, Jody's older sister and then myself and jody.

My parents took the upper floors and the roof, jess and david took the parking lot and surrounding forest while jody and I got the lower levels of the building plus the basement.

Jody moved slowly with her cross bow raised to her chest as she advanced towards the basement.

A cold wind blew up the stairs senting shivers down my spine. I got a bad feeling about this.

We continue on down the stairs and enter a dark hallway. We came to a break in the corridor and jody told me to stay put while she investigated a room off on the right.

I heard a  swishing noise on my left and my hair flew off my shoulder. Turning I grabbed my favourite knife out my belt around my waist. I held it ready in my hand in a fighting stance.

I crash came from behind me towards where jody  had gone. I herd the firing of her crossbow before a few grunts.

I started to run in her direction when something grabbed my hair and yanked me back.

A noise of discomfort left my lips but no scream. Instead of pulling away from my attacker I ran towards then, their grip still firmly on my hair.

I threw my head into their own knocking them off balance and letting go of my hair.

Grabbing the knife off the floor I stood tall ready for an  attack. The vampire looked at me. Red eyes glared at me waiting for me to make the first move.

I ran forward and slashed my knife down its side as it tried to dodge. I grunted in frustration when he moved.

I ran forward again and he moved but grabbed my wrist at the same time and bit down hard.

A scream erupted from my throat and through out the building. He started to drink from my wrist as I slashed at him furiously trying to get him off.

My attempt failed when I felt another vampire jump on my back and sink its teeth into my shoulder.

Falling to the floor both vampires continue to feed on my dying body. I herd foot steps running towards us assuming it's another vampire I accept my death. I closed my eyes.

I herd another screech in pain, but it wasn't my own. The vampire on my back flew off after being shot.

I looked over to see one of Jody's arrows sticking out its shoulder. Both vampires hissed at jody as she came to my rescue.

Jumping to their feet they both ran at jody. She fought so fiercely I didn't even recognize her. One of the vampires went down, dead. The other took jody by surprise.

He wrapped his arms around her neck and smirked at me before ripping the head right of her shoulders.

This pain to me, hurt more than my wrist and my shoulder combined, I screamed and army crawled to Jody's lifeless remains.

Screaming myself awake I was very disorientated, I was covered in sweat and tears fell from my eyes the pain come back to my wrist and shoulder when ever I had the dream of that night.

Sobbed racked my body as the light flew on and I felt someone touch my shoulder.

I flinched away and pain unbearable, the touch was friendly and warm, the kind that only sue could give off.

I heard my brother wake up. Moving out his bed he moved towards me.

" Sue, don't touch her. " he said, sue backed away and looked at seth and leah stood in the door way.

" what's happening to her " questioned seth. He looked so worried and confused.

he ignored Seth's questions and turned towards sue. " run the bath, make it was cold as possible " he command. Sue gave his a weird look before I muttered out a please and she left.

My body felt like it was on fire and it originated from the old bite marks. My tears no longer fell from the death of my friend but because of the immense pain.

David tried muttering things to me to try and calm me down but nothing seemed to work, none of his words registered in my head.

" d-david it burns " I cried clinging to my older brother for support.

" I know, sue is that bath almost full" he shouted the last bit. Everything around me started to fall away as I felt myself being picked up.

I was then surrounded by the freezing temperatures of the water. I sighed at the disappearing pain.

Looking up I made eye contact with seth and leah over my bothers head. I felt so guilty for waking them up ontop of their patrols and everything else.

I started to sob again as david picks me up out the bath. Sue appear and gives me some clothes and a towel to get changed. God a feel like a burden.

I know a very bad way to end a chapter but oh well. What do people think, would love to hear opinions.
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