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The sun blazed through the curtains of the guest bedroom, burning my eyes. They were red from my crying in the early hours of the morning.

I looked over to see seth and david sitting up right on the other bed both fast asleep. Memories of the previous night came back to me.

" so she was attacked by a vampire, her best friend was killed and she still gets nightmares about it " asked leah as they sat awake at two in the morning.

" yeah, but it's more then that she blamed herself for what happened to jody and has sent the last two years training to try and get better so she can find the vampire that did this to her " david said. They all spoke as if I wasn't there.

" he is still out there " gasped sue. Glancing at me " that must kill her along with the guilt " she said

I truth I was physically but not mentally I couldn't control my thoughts running throught my head and I hated and feeling of having no control.

Seth and david decided they would 'stay awake' incase I woke again. When I woke this morning they were both fast asleep.

Not wanting to disturb  the sleeping teen I made my way towards the kitchen where I knew Sue and leah were awake.

I appeared in the doorway and both head turned to me. Giving me sympathy wasn't helping.

Without saying anything I sat down. "what time is the council meeting " I asked trying to act ok.

" around after lunch " Sue revealed putting a plate of food in front of me. I ate at it slowly.

" do you mind if a do some more training before we go " I asked her. Sue shook her head, She didn't mind.

Picking up my plate I washed it before leaving it on the drainer and heading back into my room.

Seth had moved back to his room and I suppose he was in the shower because I could hear running water.

Pushing the door to the guest room open, I saw my brother changed and getting ready. He turned to me and went to speak.

" good morning, how are you feeling" he questioned sitting down on his bed.

" I'm fine, I'm gonna grab the training knives and practice outside. " I said grabbing a tank top and black leggings from my bag.

" have you had food" he asked. I nodded at his statement.
" do you not want a break from training, you didn't get much sleep last night, your body need to rest. " he said

" no" I replied as soon as he finished his sentence. He got up from the bed and went to take the knife from my desk so I couldn't train.

" David don't you dare" I snapped he gave me a look.

" harley, you need to rest, your pushing your self again" he snapped back. I wasn't in the mood for him to be playing the older brother role today.

" just get out of my way" I snapped leaving the room to get changed in the bathroom.


Making my way down the stairs and into the garden. A bag on throwing knives in my hand.

I stood at the back of the garden towards a big tree, which I was gonna use at a target.

Placing the knife bag down On the floor, I picked up a few and began throwing them.

Each and everyone hit the middle of the tree and stayed there until I made my way over to retrieve them from the bark.

I knew I was being watched from the porch of the house by not only one, but two people.

I could  hear the faint noise of a conversation going on but didn't think much of it, I just continued to throw my knives.

Soon the two people, who I assumed were my brother and seth, went back into the house I relaxed a little bit.

I threw a knife and It skimmed past the tree. Flying into the tree behind and I lost sight of it.

" shit" I mumbled under my breath and turned to place the other knives back in the bag.

Making my way over to the trees I started to search among the trees and bushes for the knife.

I was startled by a voice behind me, grabbing my favourite knife out my belt I put it to the strangers neck.

He gasped and put his hands up in surrender. He had dark hair and russet skin tone and beautiful dark brown eyes, he was very good looking.

" I would advise not scaring me like that, I could have cut your throat out " I said, slowly pulling the sharp edge away from his throat.

" sorry, didn't mean to scare you, I just thought you were looking for this" . He held up my missing knife.

I took it from him and said thank you before heading back over towards my bag. The stranger followed me into the garden and stood in the tree line.

" why are you following me, and what were you doing at the back of the house? " I questioned the his.

" I was actually going to see the clearwaters about the council meeting today, I am going to assume your Harley, David's younger sister. Seth spoke a lot about you, it's nice to finally put a name to a face. " he said walking forward a little more so he was stood in the garden.

" I'm sorry, who are you " I said stopping and looking at him.

" I'm jacob black, Billy's son" he said holding out his hand.

I didn't take his hand I just went back to throwing my knives at the tree. I herd a voice coming in the direction of the house and turned to see seth running over.

" hey Jake, what are you doing here" Seth asked stopping and looking up at the older boy.

" I need to talk to Sue about the council meeting, is she here. " jacob said looking at Seth.

" yeah, she and leah are inside cleaning up from breakfast. " he said. Jacob started to walk towards the house as Seth stood and watched me.

" I'm sorry about asking, but is that from the attack you had a nightmare about last night " Seth spoke.

Turning I see him gesturing towards my shoulder, I nodded and showed him the one on my wrist.

" I'm sorry about what happened" Seth said putting his hand on my upper arm.

" I'm not, I think it made me into a stronger person because of it, and I'll know not to make that mistake again " I said moving away from Seth's touch and began throwing knives again.

" you should go and get ready, we will be leaving to go to the council meeting soon " said Seth walking back towards the house.

I nodded to myself before putting my knives back in my bag and turning back towards the house.

A little unsure of this chapter, sorry for making Harley alittle rude at the end, I'm trying to make the character more closed off because of her experiences.
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