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After I showered and got changed, I made my way back down towards the main part of the house to see everyone else waiting. Jacob had already left so the rest of us jumped in Sue's car.

" the council meeting was moved to be held at Quil Ateara's house " Sue said to her children. They both nodded in understanding

" who is he" david asked the question I was wondering.

" he is another shapeshifters, his grandfather is one of the council members " said Seth.

We arrived at the Ateara's residence and climbed out the car, Sue went forward and knocked on the door.

It flew open and showed jacob had answered the door. He smiled and let us in.

We walked into a room with about five other people in it. I recognised Billy immediately because he was in a wheelchair.

I realised two of them were shapeshifters because they had the same tattoo as jacob, Seth and Leah.

All heads in the room turned to look at us. Billy is the first one to speak.

" hello, you must be David and Harley" he said holding out his hand. I shook it right after david.

" this is Sam, Quil and his grandfather" Billy pointed out. I nodded at everyone with a small smile trying to be nice.

" I assume we are here to talk about the vampire situation, am I correct" asked Billy. 

" yes, our mother mentions that your vampire problem is possible linked to what is going on in Seattle. " said my brother looking at everyone

" how " questioned Sam. He held agreat deal of authority in his voice.

" we don't know, but we have sources that suggest that they are linked. " I said, surprising myself along with everyone else that I spoke.

" ok, but first let's discuss this, what is it your family do " Said billy. Everyone looked towards me and my brother.

We are really  not ment to tell people, however they are letting us into their lives and homes so the least we can do is give them an explanation.

" we help to maintain the balance among supernatural and natural powers on this earth. " I said.

" we hunt those who who disturb the balance " finished david.

" what kind of supernatural creatures do you usually hunt" asked Billy.

" usually vampires but we have had to hunt werewolf, witches and other that I don't care to list right now " said david. I noticed all the shapeshifters in the room shifted uneasily on their feet. Even sam.

" don't worry, we have to reason to bring harm to any of the shapeshifters on this land, unless they break rules " I said trying to put them at ease.


" we have more to discuss about what is going to happen, but some of you have to switch patrols with the other boy, do you want to go now " said Sam.

A few nodded Quil,  Jacob and Leah got up to leave. Sue turned to myself and Seth.

" do you to want to go back home " she asked we both nodded not wanting to stay any longer then needed.

We made out way towards the door, opening it and walking out. Quil, Jacob and Leah were already gone.

Seth and I started to walk through the woods back towards the clearwaters house.

" Harley can I ask you a question " Seth turned to me when we were quite close to the house.

" yeah sure " I said looked over at the younger boy.

" are you ok, I know everyone keeps asking you and you keep saying you fine but are you really" he said stopping me with his hand on my elbow.

" I-I'm fine " I said trying not to make eye contact. I think I was trying to convince myself of this fact instead of him.

" stop lying, you don't have to act tough all the time, it's ok to-" he stopped when I put my hand on his mouth.

" sssshhh" I hissed at him. His looked confused. I put my finger to my mouth as I pulled my hand away.

" what is it " he whispered. I put a finger to my ear silently telling him to listen.

Fast footsteps could be heard on my right and the sound of bark being ripped off the trees above us.

Red hair then blurred in my line of vision. Grasping my knife I pulled it out  my belt as something collide with me, dislocating my shoulder.

I screamed in pain dropping my knife, Seth phased and sprung at the red headed vampire.

She smirked as she ran for me again, Seth moved in front of be using his body was a wall between myself and the vampire.

I stood up and grabbed the knife with my other hand not wanting to be totally vulnerable.

I herd more foot steps and turned to see more wolves running through the trees. There was four of them, running straight for the vampire.

Seth turned to me before running off after the other four wolf's. I turned to my shoulder which was still dislocated.

Biting my lip I tried to move it back into place myself, but the pain became to much.

My head flew back and I tried to focuse on anything but the pain running up my arm.

I shut my eyes as my ears picked up on more foot steps running towards me, grabbing my knife that fell next to my leg I spun around to see jacob and leah running through the trees.

" oh thank god " I mumble under my breath. Leah sat on the ground next to me.

" what happened " Jacob questioned me looking around the trees keeping an eye out.

"The red headed vampire showed up again " I said " I think she dislocated my shoulder." I groaned I  protest when leah touched it.

" we should get her back to Emily's place " said jacob. He helped me up to my feet before we started to walk. They walked either side of me constantly looking around for danger.

" who is emily "

Weird chapter. Guess who she meets in the next one......a certain hot head
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