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Not even seconds after she left Harley's brother turned on me.

" what the hell is your problem " he snapped moving towards me. Sam moved forward to intervene but I put my hand up to stop him.

" what's my problem, how was I supposed to know that would set her off" I snapped back. To everyone here I looked furious but I was breaking inside. I hurt her and don't even know why.

He looked ready to kill me I looked over at the clearwaters aswell, they looked furious at me and I don't have a clue what is going on. Sam and jared gave me knowing glances while Quil and Embry just looked confused.

Emily was stood behind Sam, I'm guessing because if I snap he doesn't want her to get hurt. I totally understand that now.

I look back towards David still really confused as to what I did.
" I  don't even know her, how could i have know she would get mad " those word hurt to say. I knew nothing about this girl and already I would be willing to die for her.

He just huffed and moved away from me. I looked over at Seth, Leah and Sue looking for an explanation.

" what did I do wrong " I questioned. Seth looked at leah and they both glanced at David. He just nodded.

" she got upset because that actually happened and it got a friend killed because of it " said Sue speaking up for her children.

My heart ached that I wasn't there to protect her from the grief or guilt. I was suddenly hating myself for ever speaking.

" I'll go check on her " said leah moving out the door, David followed her and gave me a glare as he left the house.

" she just put a knife to your throat " said embry totally shocked along with Quil who just stood there dumbfounded.

" she did it to me too, I scared her by accident so she put a knife to my throat " said Jacob. A small smirk played on my lips at that thought, she clearly could  protect herself.

" did you just imprint on her" asked a voice from beside me, jared.

Everyone's eyes now fell to me as I nodded "I think so " I mumbled aware everyone could hear me.

" never thought I'd see the day" jared smirked and put a hand on my shoulder. " you imprinted on a girl who is just as easily pissed off as yourself and could do some serious damage, congrats " he smirked jokingly.

" do you not see a problem with this " asked Embry. Looked at us all.

" shut up Embry " said Quil looking at me before backing up when I glared at him.

" no, embry continue " I said slightly intrigued by his statement. He looked at me and shook his head realising he made a mistake. " no finish what you were gonna say" I said

" I was just gonna say that she has been training to kill supernatural creatures since she was what twelve years old? And she got put with the hot head of the group " he said backing away slightly.

His statement hurt because I knew it was true, she deserved so much better than me.

I growled at his statement as I saw Sam push Emily further behind him, Seth stood in front of Sue.

" NOT INSIDE MY HOUSE " shouted emily as she pointed towards the door.

I knew she was right, I huffed as I stomped out the house and ran into the woods slamming the door behind me on the way out.


I saw sitting in a clearing on a log when I herd foot steps behind me I turned to see leah and david coming through the clearing.

A sad smile played on lips as they sat next to me. Leah turned to face me as she put a hand on my shoulder.  I know what coming.

" I'm not gonna ask if you are ok, because clearly you aren't " she said, I hadn't noticed I had tears running from my eyes.  I wiped at my eyes furiously.

" paul can be a bit of a ass hole sometimes but he doesn't always mean it " leah said. Although leah didn't like paul, she was aware he imprinted on her, so she decided to give him a hand in smoothing things over with Harley.

" it just hurt" I sobbed falling into David's chest. His arms wrapped around me.

" come on let's get you home " said David as he helped me stand up.

We walked through The trees when I herd a something running towards us.
David went to grab his weapon when leah held up her hand.

" it's just one of the boy, put it away" she said to David. On cue a silvery grey wolf came running through the trees, it looked like it had an angry expression but it soften when it looked me.

It then continues to run away. I turned to leah, " who was that" I asked her.

" Paul "

I know this is a shorter chapter but it was just a filler
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