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I was sitting Awake in my bed in the guest room waiting for the sun to come up. I hadn't slept much last night.

The suns raise soon began to peek throught the blinds and that is my cue to go.

I get up and rummage inside my bag trying to find my running gear. Getting into the bathroom I got changed and tied my hair into a high pony tail before exiting the bathroom.

I made my way down towards the kitchen sliding on my running shoes I opened the back door before heading into the garden.

The chilly air sent shivers up my spine. I rubbed my hands up and down my upper arm trying to keep myself warm before starting at a slow jog towards the trees.

I ran through the trees along a trail in the woods. The woods was beautiful at this time of morning.

I stopped to catch my breath holding myself up right against a tree I looked around me.

Over the past two year, running had been my escape, along with throwing knives, but running helped me clear my head while knive throwing helped me get out frustration.

I looked over the endless sea of green when my ears picked up on a sound of feet moving among the bushes.

My breathing caught in my throat as I reached for my knife safely tucked in my waist band. I brought it with me incase I happened to run into the vampire again.

I pulled it free from my waist band when the rustling came closer. I moved closer towards the Bush when a voice sounded behind me.

" you shouldn't be out in the woods by yourself  "

I spun around and threw the knife and it hit the tree behind him as he ducked down just missing the knife.

" it would be nice if you didn't try to kill me every time I spoke " said paul standing back up to his feet.

" well you shouldn't have scared me. " I stated walking over to retrieve my knife.

" I wasn't trying to scare you" he said as I pulled the knife out the tree and put in back in my waist band.

" then what were you doing? , stalking me? " I turned to look at him and those amazing eyes. Holding his stare for a few seconds before Reluctantly moving my gaze away.

" no" his gaze continues to follow my every move.

" so what were you doing in the woods?  " I questioned him

" what were you doing in the woods? " he questioned me this time. I smirked at him.

" I was running, and don't answer a question with another question, what where you doing in the woods? "

" I was running " he said smirking and rocking forward on his heels. Hand behind his back.

" is that so" I looked at him with a playful gleam in my eye. He nodded. I looked down at my hand and played with my fingers.

What Paul had said to me yesterday was still there but after having the conversation with leah I decided to forgive him.

" I'm sorry about what I said yesterday, it was uncalled for and I had no idea it hurt your feelings " he said nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

I looked back up at the shapeshifter in front of me with a small smile playing on the corners of my lips.

" it's ok, I understand you guys must have been mad about the whole vampire thing and after having a talk with leah, I forgave you yesterday after seeing you in the woods " I stated at him. His eyes narrowed when I mentioned the talk with leah.

Troubled ~ 》P.Lahote 《Where stories live. Discover now