Chapter 2 (5 weeks earlier)

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Dylan's POV
As I grab my beanie I yell out to my mum, "I'm going to clear the snow from the driveway!" I wasn't really going to but I had to lie because I needed winter air to clear my thoughts. I put on my jacket and headed outside. I put my beanie on as I start to walk along the curbs of our street. Across from our house is a park which has snow everywhere, perfect place to build a snowman. I would classify myself as a kid because I say to myself, "do you wanna build a snowman?"

When I got to the park I forgot there was a frozen pond and it was covered in snow and slipped on it. I landed straight on my but, "ouch, shit!" I curse and then I see a hand in front of me ready to help me up. I look up to see a dazzling and a hot face of a teenaged boy. He had a huge smile on his face like he could laugh at any second.

He stands me to my feet making sure I have my balance first before bending down to pick up my beanie. "Just to tell you I knew there was a frozen pond here and that I slipped on purpose," I said while trying to keep a straight face but it was really hard because he was smiling. "I can see that," he laughs making me laugh too. We laugh for a bit longer then I decided I would introduce myself.

"I'm Dylan by the way," I say with a grin as I extend my arm to shake hands. "Aaron, and I just moved here," he said while he shook my hand that made us laugh again for no apparent reason. "So where did you move from... Aa-ron?"

Aaron POV

She says my name slowly as if it's a question which annoyed me but I smile anyway and nod yes and tried to act like it was a good flirt trick. "I moved from from Texas actually but I only lived there for a few weeks, my family travels a lot..." I trail off as if I had something to hide and I did and it was the fact that I was just about to play her. She puts her beanie backs on and the moment got extremely akward.

"So where do you live... Dyl-lin?" I say hoping to get another conversation going. "Are you mimicking me?" She says as if if was shocking news but with a bit of sarcasm and a jokingly hand to the heart. I laugh a little but not for too long because it wasn't really funny at all. "I live right there," she explains pointing to a house directly from the park.

Bad choice Dylan because now I know where you live and I'm gonna play you.


Short chapter because I wrote all this since 11:41p.m till 12:13a.m and I'm extremely tired so it's very short. That's pretty much all I got to say and please send in book covers for this book, very much appreciate it.


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