Chapter 7 (Why Aaron is a player)

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Aaron's POV

She came on to me fast pushing me up against a wall stroking my chest making me shiver and get goss bumps. Our lips were a centre meter away when she grinned. "What did I tell you, Aaron, you make the move and if you don't get the move you take the lead okay?" She says pulling away from me.

"Yeah, um I- sorry..." I trail off, I'm nerdy and really good in all subjects. I've never dated a girl or actually talked to one except my mum. Rebecca is that girl who was talking before and she's a major player. We meet at a party as I was forced to go by a teacher! When I was there it was very crowded so I thought going to the bathroom would be a good idea.

When I opened the door Rebecca was on the floor with blood dripping down her head. I quickly rushed over to her and another soul took over, the hero soul. I helped her stand to her feet and she sat down on the bench. I grabbed some toilet paper and put it under water. Then I slowly pulled her hand away from where the blood was and started dabbing the cut.

She looked at me like she was almost going to fall asleep with her eyes opening and closing. She makes a few ouch noises here and there but she then started to mumble something.she said thank you and that she owes me and got of the bench and walked out. She left me stunned.

Ever since that day I told I won't to be the schools bad boy, at first she thought it was a stupid idea but she took the time realise I really wanted this and she did owe me one. That is why she is teaching me but more in a player way. She is really nice once you get to know her it's just an act to other people.

"Well I have a "boyfriend" I have to get back to and I'm already 3 hours late, cya late alligator," she yells out to me walking away. "In a while crocodile," I reply in return...

What happens after that, was Aaron a geek❗️well we will find out in the next chapter stay tuned everyone.

Sorry it was short chapter but I thought you might want something little so your not desperately waiting for the next chapeyr. Kk everyone bye son!


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