Chapter 4 (The same day but in Californa)

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Keegan's POV

I wake up at the time school would have started but I hated Mondays so I fell back to sleep. When I woke up again it was just past 12:00 but I couldn't be bothered to get out if bed so I pulled out my laptop to play on there for awhile. When I was playing IMVU Justin my boyfriend faced time me and I gladly excepted it and this was the conversation...

Me- Sup

Justin- Heyy Keegan

Me- So how's life?

Justin- Grand... And by the way... Well you see... Umm... I-I-I need to tell you something... But I don't know how to... Put... It in a way, without you getting h-hurt-hurt.

Me- What do you mean Justin?

Justin- What I mean is that we should break up!

The words stopped my heart making me feel pain throughout my body. I quickly ended the call as i felt needles being poked on my entire body. I could feel everyone so clearly it hurted that much I couldn't help scream out as tears burst out of my eyes as I start to cough against a dry throught. This hurted so badly because this was an effect he had on me and it over powered my body to react this way.

I couldn't stop crying it hurted so bad. Why would he do this to me? Why would he do this at the worst possible time of my life? What did I do to deserve this? I just wan to be happy? Wasn't I good enough for him? All these questions flood into my mind making me even sadder. Justin made me weak and in pain so that's when I realised I hated him!

Justin's POV

I needed to take the fact of breaking up with Keegan so I call up my best friend to tell her what happened. She answered straight away and this was our conversation...

Me- Heyy

Jessica- Heyy... And Dean says hi too... Whats up?

Me- I broke up with Keegan

Jessica- What?! But you were so good together... I was on team just-tan and Keeg-tin.

Me- She was just to much for me and the distance relationship was going downhill anyway so yeah...

Jessica- You cheated on her! Why else would you break up with her!?

Me- No... Well yeah I meet this girl called Kathy and she lives Ireland... She is so pretty with her blonde hair, beauty spot and is super girly...

Jessica- Good for you but I have to go on a date at the movies and next time he is taking me to the bowling arena so I gotta go, have fun in the hot weather!

Me- Bye!

So what did you think, well I thought, "what a small world." If your lost or confused I will try to explain it now in a quick summary.

Keegan and Justin broke up... Justin is friends with Jessica who is dating Aaron. Justin also has a crush on Kathy which is Dylan's best friend who is dating Aaron as well. If it's confusing write a comment and I'll even try to explain who they are. That all for now, son!


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