Chapter Six ~ A MI5 Agent And A Lover And Her Ex.

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Waves crushed against the glamorous expensive boat as the waves clashed with the sound of the wind, the smell of salty water flooded Jennifer's nostrils like the tides of the waves.

"Is this thing even allowed on water?" Jennifer thought aloud.

"Of course it is." Lucas replied.

Jennifer, Lucas and Lewis were halfway to the Isle Of White, somehow Lucas had arranged a private boat to take them there.

"Lucas I know this seems a bit late in saying but couldn't your phone be traced?" Jennifer asked as her pride crushed under the weight of both Lucas's and Lewis's expression of hopelessness.

God sake! best policewoman for the job my ass. Jennifer thought to her self in disgust.

"I know what the both of you are thinking so don't you dare say I am hopeless, I never used to be this bad at my job." Jennifer replied in annoyance. Lying a tiny bit.

"I know it's my fault, I leave you incapable of thinking straight with my incredibly muscle toned body.." Lucas finally said in a lighthearted teasing tone that made Jennifer pissed and Lewis laugh. Jennifer pushed him knocking him off balance

"Answer the question." Jennifer asked blushing as she crossed her arms. The wind whipped around her hair like a shield.

"We won't be traced down." Lucas replied confidently with a smug look on his face.

"What about your phone?" Lucas asked.

"Mine can't be traced, it's got a different wavelength compared to ordinary phones as they are new in the police force not many people know of them." Jennifer replied tucking her hair behind her ear.

Lucas nodded.

"Yeah my phone is the same but probably an updated version." He replied matter of factly.

Jennifer gave him a funny look as Lewis walked off.

"What? I have good connections and I'm a rich." He pointed out.

Jennifer put her face in her hands.

Lewis drove them in one of Lucas's luxury cars once they were off the boat. After an hour they reached the address of Kim Potters house. The gravel crunched as the tires of the car came to a holt. Jennifer looked at the picturesque small house, its green door and windows were surrounded by pink and yellow flowers hanging in baskets around the front door.

"It's cute." Jennifer said.

Lewis chuckled and Lucas turned round and said in a teasing voice.

"Shall we live in a house like that some day, sweetie?" He teased.

Jennifer thought he had become a lot worse since Lewis had joined them. Jennifer ignored him as she jumped out the car and walked to the front door as Lewis laughed and hit Lucas playfully.

"Boys" Jennifer muttered.

They all looked at the house, a red Mini Cooper was sitting parked in the driveway and a blue transit van further down the road. Jennifer frowned.

"I'm pretty sure she lives with her mother." Lewis mentioned.

Jennifer and Lucas looked at him in question.

"I did some digging on the way here." Lewis scratched his neck.

"That's why you disappeared earlier on the boat?" Jennifer asked.

Lewis nodded.

"Well then instead of breaking in, why don't we talk to her mother?" Lucas suggested. They all nodded and thought it was the most sensible option.

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