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"So? Donuts?" I asked again after receiving nothing but silence. 

"Are you not afraid of me?" She asked.

"Are you here to kill me?"


"Well, then no. I am not afraid."

Lies, I am practically shitting myself right now. While having an immense mana pool enables you to spam spells, it also makes you quite sensitive to mana. The being in front of me, it's terrifying. 

It felt as if I am gazing into the abyss, and I am being consumed, and the worst part of all is that am I not alone. There is a monster, and that monster is gazing back at me.

"You are irregular," She finally said while tilting her head to the side.

Ah, screw that abyss, the real monster is here all along! The monster is this loli who is trying to kill me with cuteness!

"I can say the same thing, so what is your name loli?"

"Loli?" Ophis said, and again tilting her head out of confusion.

"Ah, well it means a cute little girl, like you," I said.

"Are you hitting on me?" She asked.

Wait, what? How do you know about that? And no I'm not a lolicon!

"N-no it was a compliment," With a cough, I continued, "So? What is your name? I'm John, John Hyoudou."


"Ophis? So did you need something?" 

It was obvious what she wants. Ophis, the Infinite Dragon God, the dragon who was on pair with the Great Red and the leader of a terrorist group. She plays a big role in the world of DxD. A being born from the nothingness of Infinity. A hollow husk, who seek silence.

"Help me, John," She stated. 

She asked for a request, but with her tone, it sounded like a demand. She sounds like an arrogant brat, but being the Infinite Dragon God, it was only a given that she would be arrogant. For in this world, she stands on the peek of the food chain.

"I see, a request? Well then, Ophis, have a sit, it seems like this conversation is going to take a while."

As I finish I move towards the right side of the bench and gesture her to side down. To my surprised, she complied

"Here, have a donut," I handed her the donuts once again.

Any normal person at the moment would have slapped me for my ignorance of treating Ophis like a household pet. In fact, if they were to be grace with the presence of Ophis, instead of offering her donuts, they would have held a banquet in her honor.

"I don't need to eat," Ophis said while giving me a deadpan look.

"Me too, but I do it nonetheless. Trust me, it tastes good," I replied.

Ophis took the donut and bit into it. As she bites, her face lits up. Her eyes, which were as lifeless as a night sky begins to lights up, and with no hesitation, she took another bite. 

Seeing her actions my wariness begins to ease.

"So, your request, can you elaborate?"

"I want you to help me get rid of Great Red."

"Oh? I beg your pardon, but you want me to get rid of The Great Red? I don't think I can even if I wanted to."

"You are right, at your current power, you won't be able to, but you are not alone. Many will assist you."

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