Chapter Five

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3rd person POV

Its been 3 months now, snow has slowly begun to fall gently. It kissed everything outside delicately; it allowed a thing layer to blanket the roof of every building in Konoha. Everything was beautiful...everything except the Uchiha household.


Sasuke POV

Its been 3 months since Hinata went to Sai's house, and in those months she's gone back 38 times and spent the night 12 times. She's come home smelling of weed and usually all stupid. She's addicted to pain killers, she attempts to act like she's not but its obvious. I hate the fact I don't think she's a virgin anymore and she sure as hell hasn't touched me. I've caught Sai trying to sneak in her room during midnight. She's so distant and won't talk to me. She hates my voice and presence and we've had so many physical fights. I'll admit I've hit her but I apologize right after and its only so she can stop. I don't want her dead. She's lost so much weight and looks tired 90% of the time. I want the old Hinata back, the saddest part of this is...I only have one person I can talk to this about.

Sakura has been coming over and talking to me about Hinata. She's been dropping hints she wants more than just late night visits to talk, she wants to frickle frackle. I chewed my bottom lip and checked my phone to see if Hinata had called or texted.
No new messages

I ran my hands through my hair. Today Hinata had gone over to Sai's house and I knew she was smoking or swallowing pain killers.

(Time skip>>)

Its been 7 hours since Hinata left, please hurry home. I missed her, even if she didn't acknowledge me I liked knowing she was safe here at home. I paced back and forth in her room, relax Sasuke, relax. I laid in her bed and inhaled the scent of lavender. That scent always causes a drowsy spell on me, I closed my eyes and smiled, "Hinata.." I found myself mumbling her name out.

I awoke to loud banging, I groaned and rubbed my temples. I got up slowly, the banging on the door getting louder and louder "alright!" I shouted as I opened the door. Naruto stood there, fear in his eyes. His skin had a thin layer of sweat. Strange, its like 20° outside, if not, lower. I glared at him "what do you want?" "ITS HINATA! SHES IN THE HOSPITAL" he shouted at the top of his lungs. My body froze, the world around me just...stopped. There was nothing but a piercing sound going through my ears, Naruto's screams slowly brought me back to life "SASU-" I gripped him by his shirt and life teed him up "WHERE'S HINATA?!" my Sharingan activated. Naruto winced and took deep breathed "SHE'SATTHEHOSPITAL, SAKURAISWORKINGONPUMPINGHERSTOMACH" . I threw him to the side and began to run as fast as I could, surprisingly Naruto was behind me. He tried to keep up but obviously couldn't. Please be okay, please. I felt tears threaten to fall as I reached the hospital. Don't cry! I held them in, it took so much effort. I ran to the front desk "where's Hinata?!" my voice frantic. The girl behind the desk looked at me "are you related to h-" "I'm her husband! NOW WHERE IS SHE?!" I slammed my hand hard on the desk, Sharingan still activated. The girl gulped "l-let me c-check" I pinched the bridge of my nose as she went through papers.

She looked at me and smiled a bit "s-she's in r-roon 1b M-Mr. Uchiha" she pointed to a hallway on my right. I ran towards it and quickly opened the door "HINATA!!" three of the nurses turned around....even Sakura. One of them tried to shoo me out "sir you need to-" "THAT'S MY WIFE!" I hissed at him. He attempted to grab my wrist "sir- " I took hold of his arm and flipped quickly on to his back and pulled. He svremed at the top of his lungs "I WILL BREAK YOUR FUCKING ARM!! SHE'S MY WIFE!!" I could feel the other nurses panicked lookes. I turned to look at Hinata, she was so pale...she looked so lifeless. I quickly got off the man and went towards her. I grabbed her hand, it was so cold...

Sakura touched my shoulder "I want to talk to you outside" her voice soft. I couldn't take my eyes off of my wife...she can't leave me...not yet-not ever! Sakura spoke again "outside, now" she said nudging me. I nodded slowly and tore my eyes off of Hinata. I walked out of the room and joined Sakura, she quickly hugged me. I took a deep breath, she smelled of strawberries, a scent I used to adore. Now I only want lavender to fill my nostrils. She smeeled so sickly sweet, I closed my eyes and let her embrace me. I felt her move, within a second her lips pressed against mine. Hers warm and tender...but not as welcoming as Hinata's. I just stood there, letting her kiss me "Hinata most likely isn't going to make it....then we can get married....and you'll inherit a ton of money" my feet went numb, anger slowly made its way up my throat. She continued to kiss me "what the fuck?!" I heard a familiar voice shout. I looked over, there was the mutt. Kiba glared at me, exposing his canine like teeth "HINATA IS IN THERE CLINGING TO KIFE ITSELF AND YOUR OUT HERE WITH THIS...THIS..." he pointed a shaky finger at Sakura "POOR EXCUSE OF A HIMAN BEING?!" Sakura scoffed. "Well maybe if she wasn't such a drugie she wouldn't overdose in her precious pain killers" Kiba's face went white. I felt myself about to throw up. Kiba's  leg came out of nowhere. First it hit me, his body twisted and kicked Sakura as well. He took deep, shaky breaths "YOU FUCKING PIGS!! FIRST OFF HOW DARE YOH SPEAK OF HINATA LIKE THAT?! SHE'S 10× A WOMAN YOU ARE, SECONDLY, DID YOU KBOW ABOUT THIS UCHIHA?! DID YOU KNOW HINA-CHAN WAS DOING THIS STUPID SHIT?!" his eyes leaking tears. I nodded slowly, shame filling my existance. I heard his breathing deepen, he was obviously ready to beat my shit in. "SHE'S AWAKE!" a nurse came out, joy and relief clung to her voice. Kiba looked at me and then at the nurse. He grabbed me by my hair and licked me up "c'mon asshole" he muttered. I walked in behind Kiba, he lead the way slowly. I peeked over his shoulder and saw Hinata with her eyes halfway open, "hey there Hina" Kiva said gently placing his hand on her cheek. She smiled and lifted a weak, shaky hand on top of his.

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