Chapter Six

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3rd person POV

Sasuke rested his forehead on Hinata's "you'll be fine" he murmured. He placed one of his hands on her cheek and caressed it with his thumb. She blushed and stared into his onyx orbs. A pink tint lingered her pale cheeks "o-okay" she replied, her eyebrows knitting together. He smiled, quite rare for the male Uchiha. Hinata chewed her bottom lip before tip toeing to plant a light kiss on Sasuke's nose. He blushed lightly and delicately grabbed her hand. He raised it higher and higher until it reached his lips. He planted a small kiss on it, ever so gently. As if her hand were made if thin glass and shatter if force was placed upon it.

Hinata turned her direction to the huge gates "this will bring shame and disgrace to the Hyūga and Uchiha clan" she said as tears formed in her tender lilac eyes. Sasuke pulled her into an embrace "it will not, I will clear things at the Hyūga compound". She began to sob "t-thank you S-Sasuke" she clung to his shirt. Taking in his scent of sweet vanilla.
Rehabilitation Center read the sign above the gates. Hinata gulped "don't worry my love" Hinata blushed at the pet name given to her by her husband. "I paid them to keep it a private session, no one will see you" he kissed her cheek tenderly. "Plus it'll only be a week or so, it'll fly by quickly and you'll be home once again" his tone reassuring and warm. Hinata hugged her husband tightly "a-and you'll b-be waiting f-f-for me when I-I'm released?" Sasuke nodded "I promise". Hinata nodded and picked up her bag "I-I'll see you i-in a w-week or s-so" she said with a small smile. Sasuke smiled and pulled Hinata back in to his arms "may I please have a kiss before you go?" he said with a pout. Hinata's blush deepened "I'm not going to see you for a while; so can I have a kiss?" he breathed out. Hinata nodded slowly as Sasuke leaned down. He kissed her forehead, down to her nose and down to her cheek. Every kiss making Hinata's face warm. He paused at her lips. He licked his lips gently with his tongue. His hands gently cupped her face "Hinata" he breathed her name ever so softly. Their lips brushed "I love you.." he said before pressing his lips gently on hers. His eyes closed slowly as if he was being drugged at a slow pace. Hinata felt her eyelids close "S-Sasuke..said he loves me..he loves me" Hinata's hands left the bags and snaked around Sasuke's neck. His hands wrapped around her tiny waist, he pulled her body closer to his. He deepened the kiss as he ran a hand through Hinata's indigo hair. Hinata gasped softly as he pulled her even closed; allowing Sasuke entrance into her mouth.

He gladly explored every inch of her mouth, intoxicated by her sweet taste. Hinata let out a small moan, causing Sasuke to smirk. He slowly pulled away and blushed at Hinata's small protest. He smiled "you should go ahead" Hinata pouted and crossed her arms "no". Sasuke smirked "I promise when you get out I'll buy you more Pocky" he purred. Her eyes widened "P-Pocky?!" her mouth turned into a joyous smile. She picked up her bags "I-I'll see y-you next w-week!" and with that she was swallowed by the gates. Sasuke sighed "she's so cute" .

Hinata POV

I entered the building feeling nervous as can be "maybe I should've got Sasuke to come with me- can I  turn back? Can I get him to help me around?"  I began to turn when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I glanced over and saw the last person I'd expect, Kakashi-sensei. I tilted my head "K-Kakashi?" he smiled an eye closed smile. I smiled a little "Sasuke wanted to keep your session lowkey, sooo who's better at keeping this GS hidden than I?" his eyes still closed. I nodded and followed him as he began to lead the way. Where? I have no idea.

Day 1: Admit you have a problem.

Kakashi smiled his closed eye smile, "I don't abuse pain killers" . Kakashi clasped his hands "the first step is always hard for some people. Denial kicks in and you think that you don't have a problem; that others are over exaggerating" I narrowed my eyes at him. Oh Kami, give me strength. I took a deep breath and rolled my eyes, "I, Hinata Hyū-" "Uchiha" he corrected. I pinched the bridge of my nose "I, Hinata Uchiha, admit I have a problem abusing pain killers". He smiled "you're not fooling anyone Uchiha" his brows arched. I scoffed "b-but sens-" "just because you said it spent mean you mean it". He leaned closer to me; his face inches from mine "think if all the people who worried about you, the ones you hurt, the ones you pushed away or ended friendships. Think if how Kiba had to find out about this because you almost took your life, you're hurting and will continue to hurt people if you don't change" His tone serious but his voice soft.

I swallowed the saliva that was building up in my mouth. My eyes began to water. Kiba didn't know what I was doing until it was almost too late. Naruto had gotten pissed at me for using them and hanging with Sai. Sasuke worried completely as a husband. And my family name, my clan...I borough them nothing but shame! How could I possibly do this to them? How could I be so selfish? My palms began to sweat dammit Hinata make things right!

Tears began to fall from my eyes "I-I, Hinata U-Uchiha h-have abused p-pain killers a-a-an am ready to c-change i-in order to r-regain the t-t-trust and k-kindess of t-those who n-no longer have i-i-it towards me!" Kakashi smiled once again. "Good, let's begin"

Hihihi!! I hope you enjoyed this chappy, sorry if its short ( •´д•' ) sorry for typos and bad grammar!!! Review, vote, share ect all that good stuff!! (人>ω•*) stay tuned for more!!!!

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