Chapter Fifteen

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Sakura POV

"How could he just...just drop me like that?! How could he leave me?! I'm all he has! Hinata doesn't want him! She wants Naruto, not Sasuke!" I shouted pulling on my hair. "Oh Sakura, just drop it and move on" Karin said running her fingers though her silky red hair. I scoffed "drop it? DROP IT?! HOW ABOUT I DROP YOU!" I could feel my anger getting the best of me once again.

I've bottled up my anger ever since Hinata married Sasuke. "How dare she?! She didn't have the slightest bit of a chance with Naruto-" "Sakura chill, you just need to find a way for either a.) Get Sasuke to fall back in love with you or b.) Have Hinata leave Sasuke" she said checking her nails. I began to mold this over. I've tried to get him back with sex..."I got it.." I whispered. Karin looked at me "huh?" she said giving me a confused look. I smiled widely "I'VE GOT IT!!" I said triumphantly clapping my hands together.

Karin got up "tell me!" I linked our arms together "oh Karin its so simple! Its so...genius!" I skipped around my living room with Karin stumbling behind attempting to keep up with my upbeat prancing.


Karin's mouth gapped open "Haruno Sakura..I know that you're all head over heels for that Uchiha kid but...this is extreme" she said, her eyes wide and full of shock.

I had explained my plan to Karin but she doesn't seem to be on board with it. But to be honest, it is a crazy idea. There was a small chance it would work but I'm sure as soon as I be break the news...Sasuke will be all for it, Hinata will get mad and bam, I have my Sasuke-kun back~

Karin shook her head "how is won't work Sakura its just way too crazy!" I crossed my arms "well we'll just have to see".

I decided if this plan was going to work, I needed supplies. It was hard to be purchasing the things I was since I had no crafting skills whatsoever.


I began to tap my finger against my chin how the hell do I do this? I was at this one Halloween store that had latex and paints, costumes, decorations, contacts and all sorts of things. I sighed and continued to walk down the aisle towards the special affects "Sakura this is so duuuuumb, can't you win Sasuke over another way?" Karin whined. I turned to her, giving her a death glare.

"Is that the famous Sakura?" I heard a voice say in a happy tone. I turned to see Sai, his eyes closed giving a bright smile. He wore black sweatpants with a black tank top that advertised a metal band. His skin looked so pale, his skin seemed to belong to someone who had died. His black hair was messy and seemed as if it had been attempted to be brushed but given up on halfway. I rolled my eyes "what do you want?" I asked in a bored tone. He stuck out his bottom lip "well I get bored at home and like to scare the crap out of Itachi when he's high off his ass" he says with a snort. I raised a brow "oh really?" "Yeah, I like to use latex and the fake blood they sell here and some of the make up they have on that 'zombify yourself' section and make them look like a walking corpse, when they wake up they shit their plants, its hilarious" he says snickering.

Suddenly a lightbulb flickered in my head "how about I make you a proposal".

I could hear Karin groaning "Sakura this isn't going to work". I ignored her and continued to explain my plan to Sai. His face held no emotion, hnnng he's almost as sexy as Sasuke ~

When I finished he took a deep breath "so, what's in it for me?" I gave him a small smile "well" I said getting closer to him. "I could..." I ran my finger along his arm "make it worth your while" I said licking my lips. He shuddered "no thanks!" I felt my eyebrow twitch then crossed my arms "fine, then what do you want?" He thought for a second "Hinata" he said simply. I quirked a brow "what?" I could feel my throat begin to tighten. He nodded "I want Hinata, I'll help you but I want my Hina-chan to fall for me. As soon as you get a hold of that troublesome Uchiha, I want Hinata to be by my side, as my girlfriend" he said a slight shade of pink appearing on his pale cheeks. Why does everyone want Hinata? She's not even that cute! She's barely average.

I exhaled "fine, but this has to be very convincing" I said resting my hand on my hip. He nodded "I'm the best at this" he said taking my hand and pulling me down an aisle with kits and brushes.


"What the hell even is all this?" I asked confused. Sai had these weird container things out back and some weird liquid stuff. Sai rolled his eyes "its a mold, I had measured your body and with this I'll be able to make different sizes" he said beginning to pour the gooey like substance into the mold.

We were silent as we waited for it to dry. We were in the backyard of his house. Karin had left to work and also mentioned she wanted nothing to do with this. Sai finally broke the silence "does this make us bad people?" yes "no, we're just doing something for the people we love" I said.

He looked at the sky "do you really love Sasuke?"
No, I just don't want Hinata to have him "yes"

"I dont know why I adore Hinata, guess she's just really hot" he said softly "and she's the sweetest person who's ever talked to me".

I felt my hands ball up into fists "Hinata isn't all that" I said thinking of the indigo haired home wrecker. Maybe...I need to dye my hair! And cut it a bit, but that'll have to wait, first I have to break the "news".


I knocked on the door. Silence. I could hear laughter from inside, her laughter. I hate her. She's ruined everything. She's a bitch, a whore. I could hear her stupid voice with her stupid stutter. "S-Sasuke-kunn!" I felt my throat tighten "but Hinataaaaaa, I want you sweet kisses" Sasuke's voice whined. I thought back to our first kiss..

I knocked again "I'll get it" Sasuke said "b-but we're i-in the middle of-" "I'll quickly get it and then we'll finish". I waited patiently, footsteps approaching. The  door finally opened, Sasuke wore his emotionless mask. I inwardly flinched he never looked like this around me..

His face didn't change, his eyes held a bored stare. "What is it?" he asked in a cold tone, I took a deep breath. Please let this work, please let Sasuke believe me, please let me and him be a thing once a more. I looked I into his deep onyx eyes, they seemed to look straight through me. I felt my heart beat a million times per minute.

"Sasuke, I'm pregnant"

Finally got around to update this one! >.<
Well what ya think? Good or...?
Stay tuned for the next chapter!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2015 ⏰

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