Chapter Seven

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Day 2 Get the help needed.

Hinata POV

Kakashi woke me up early. The sun was already out but I felt as if it was 6 a.m. I grunted as he lead me to the bench outside in the garden. It was a long wooden bench that could fit at least seven people. Flowers of every color surrounded it. There were pink ones, blue ones, yellow ones, violet ones, lilac ones, and red.  Beautiful tulips surrounded the bench along with dandy lions that gracefully intertwined. Rose bushes beautifully scattered in the perfectly trimmed grass. The wind blew softly causing the flowers to dance gracefully. My hair was blown from my face, the wind felt so delicious in a way. Kakashi exhaled "okay Hinata, are you ready to get the help that you need to recover?" I nodded slowly. He picked a tulip from the side of the bench. He examined it carefully; taking in every detail. I tilted my head "K-Kakashi?" his eyes looked up at me. One eye black and the other red. I reached over and grabbed the flower, "its beautiful" he said softly. I nodded and brought it up to my nose. It smelled so sickingly sweet. I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and sighed.

We had spent most of the day outside; mainly Kakashi was telling me how it was going to go. The process, that is. It seemed simple enough until my body started realizing it wasn't getting its precious drug. I began to feel dizzy and cold. I kept shaking and my head hurt so horribly. Kakashi simply told me it was part of the "healing". I shook of the feeling, only for it to get worse. I began to sweat even if it was fresh outside and I was just sitting down. Kakshi talked slowly which caused me to get frustrated. He would chuckle every now and then at my outbursts. It wasn't like I meant to yell, I just disliked the way this process was going. Kakashi clapped his hands "alright Hinata, if you'd like, we can have lunch and you can head to bed" I shook my head. I wasn't hungry, I felt too horrid to eat "n-no thank you" I said shooing the offer with my hand.

He shrugged and led me to my room. The day had went by rather quickly if you ask me. I attempted to sleep, even if I hadn't done anything all day I was exhausted. I rubbed my temples as my headache increased. I rolled around the bed, constantly changing positions. I was a sweaty mess, my heart beated at an incredible rate. My stomach did flips which made me flinch and cringe. My mouth was overflowing with saliva and my throat felt somewhat dry. I attempted to swallow my saliva but it was pushed out by a waterfall of vomit. The vomit made my throat sore and my eyes water. I took deep breaths as it paused then continued to flow. "K-KAKASHI!!" I shouted as it continued to gush out"KAKASHI!!" I continued to shout and shout his name hoping he'd come in and cure me. "KAKASHI!!! KAKASHI-SENSEI, PLEASE!! KAKASHI!" I continued shouting, praying to Kami he'd come. Nothing.

The night went on like that; pains, yelling, throwing up.

Day 3 make amends with everyone you've wronged

I woke up feeling terrible with a trashcan full of puke and a floor with the same substance. I rubbed my temples and sat up in bed "o-oh Kami" there was a soft knock on the door. Seriously?! I groaned "come in" I said throwing myself back on the bed. Kakashi smiled "ahhh, I see your body isn't taking withdrawal okay" I scoffed only to be greeted by more puke. Kakashi backed up a little "I have just the thing!" Mt eyebrows arched in hope he'd come back with something to cure my pains. To my dismay he brought back a bucket of water and a mop.

After cleaning up the horrid mess Kakashi-sensei decided it was time for me to amend every person I had done wrong. This was going to be tough. I hadn't thought about how badly everything was due to the painkillers but now that I was beyond sober, I was terrified. I had most if my friends upset at me, how could I possibly get then to forgive me? I looked up at Kakashi as he towered over me "I-I dunno w-w-what I'm going t-to do" he smiled at me. I puffed out my cheeks as I waited to see if I could get a response from him. "You could bake cookies or cupcakes or brownies or-" "or all of the above?" my answer delighted Kakashi.

(Time skip>>>>)

I had spent my whole morning making chocolate chip and sugar cookies, brownies with chocolate chips in them, chocolate and vanilla cupcakes with whipped cream as a filling on the inside. I also made a sponge cake just in case. Kakashi attempted to grab one but I quickly slapped his hand away. He pouted "why can't I have one?" he asked crossing his arms "I'm not making amends with you" was my simple reply. "But I'm helping you out here" he protested "you also made me clean up meh vomit and didn't come help when I was screaming my lungs out" he sweat dropped and chuckled nervously. He gave me puppy eyes as last resort, I giggles and rolled my eyes "fine, but only one thing". He scoffed "but...but....Naruto will probably take like a dozen!" he whined. I pinched the bridge of my nose "fine, three things". He clapped his hands joyously and picked up a chocolate chip cookie, a brownie and a cupcake. I sighed and started putting the sweets in a basket while I carried the cake at hand. I watched as Kakashi gobbled down the baked goods. He smiled "I can carry the basket for you Hinata-sama" he offered scratching the back of his head. I shook my head "n-no thank you s-sensei" he sighed "can't blame me for trying" he said rubbing his eye.

"So, Hinata, who do we pay a visit to first?" Kakashi asked as he lead the way. I thought about it for a second "I want to visit Kiba".

Sorry for typos, if grammar was off and all. I'm sorry for a short chapter and all! I'll try and update more! Also, if you like this  SasuHina fanfic I have plenty more. I just started a new one, check it out! Vote, review, share, comment all that good stuff. Well I hope you enjoyed it!!!

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