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Giving that indifferent expression

For anything that happens,

And saying you don't care

As your own scar deepens.

Letting your thoughts fade away

Right back to that dark place,

Where even the happiest memories die

And joy deserts your face.

When so many voices scream

That you aren't worth anything,

It becomes hard not to believe them

Even if you give it everything.

Struggling through those days

Of self loathing and hate,

You won't be walking today

If it wasn't only for fate.

Just because someone's had it worse,

Doesn't mean you're having it better.

Just because someone told you to chill,

Doesn't require you to follow it to the letter.

Some days be hard like that.

Some times, you see no point

In pulling through to another day,

When your body just wants to faint.

Those days stand to remind you, 

Of what you've been through.

So when you finally get past this,

You'd have won this battle too.

- Izzie 

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