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Our last meeting feels so long ago

Our next one, uncertain in the future

Maybe I shouldn't have said that NO

The last time you asked for a picture

Pictures are temporary, they say

Only memories are here to stay

But maybe those memories aren't enough

Cause they are still being clouded by the other stuff

Stuff we regret saying and doing

Stuff that we're ashamed of

We forgot that time will always be moving

And that it's not one to depend on

Every conflict we say time will heal

And move on without realizing it's weight

The load we're bearing hurts our heel

We still say, it's probably just fate

At the end, when we woke up

We were far too tired to mend it

After letting it go and making sure the door was shut

We knelt down and cried, falling apart, bit by bit

Looking back, I know there's regret

But the love was there, even if it was a little less

We know we were more happy than upset

But we also know it was us that made this one big mess.

- Izzie


[A\N] I'm pretty sure this one was a disappointment..

Also thank you so much to all the people who read my works and leave comments and reviews.. You guys have no idea how important yall are in my life....

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