The Great Escape

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The picture above is the outfit Naruto wore.

Today was the day the Escape Plan will be put into action. 

Naruto is getting ready to do his part and act as his grandfather's nephew. 

So here we see Naruto in his disguise to escape from Konoha.

"Your Highness, it is time to leave. Your grandfather is all ready waiting for you."

Naruto nods to the servant and went to his grandfather whom was already waiting for him inside the carriage. Upon entering his grandfather told him that he must not talk much and always look sad. Naruto takes in the information and acts accordingly. 

When they arrived at the border between Konoha and the Capital, he saw two hyuuga guards surveying the carriage, they passed and was then checked by sensor shinobi's to see if there is anyone who seems suspicious. 

The guards at first were suspicious of him but then they didn't think much of me when they were told I was the nephew of the Fire Daimyo. The guards finally let us go and we headed towards the capital without a hitch.

"Grandfather, that went smoothly than I had initially thought, don't agree."

" I agree my dear grandson, but enough about the escape. Listen, we are going to the capital, and when we arrive there I am going to announce you as my grandson and my heir."

"Of course grandfather, I will be ready to accept my roles as heir in order help you in your burdens. 

"Good thinking my boy, now we are almost there, be ready for the welcoming party. There will be my many concubines waiting there with my other children.  

(The palace)

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(The palace)

Upon arrival many official, concubines, prince, and princess were waiting. Naruto and his grandfather went outside the carriage. Many people were surprised to see Naruto but didn't show it.

The welcoming ceremony went smoothly but there many people that questioned the Fire Daimyo on who Naruto was.

"Your Majesty, who is the boy you came with" the prime minister asked.

"Prime Minister, ready for the Crowning Ceremony in two days, the Land of Fire has just found its heir"

"It will be done, Your Majesty.

Naruto was introduced to many of the officials, concubines, prince, and princess. Many liked him while other outright hate him. 

Naruto was the escorted to his new residence, The Crown Prince's Palace.

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