December 6

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Thieves beware (part 5)

The cab stopped right before Speedy's cafe a few minutes later. They got out and Sherlock led John to a black door with the golden letters 221B on it. They went up some stairs before entering a rather untidy flat. The black curled man waved at the sofa.
"Make yourself comfortable, I'll be right back", he said before he disappeared in what seemed to be his bedroom.

John looked around. Everywhere was stuff lying, some of the things he had no idea for what the detective could use them. At one wall hung a huge scull of a cow with long bowed horns. There were a few pounds lying on the table and John took them without further thinking and stuffed them into his pocket. Then he sat himself in one of the chairs in front of the fireplace and rested the pillow with the Union Jack that had laid there on his lap. He wasn't comfortable sitting on the sofa, it was too personal. After all he didn't intent to stay long. He didn't even know why he had come here at all. He had just seen the human skull on the mantelpiece(was that thing real?!) as Sherlock came back. When he looked at John his lips curled into a knowing smile but he didn't say something.

He walked over to the kitchen table which was clattered with loads of chemical stuff and pulled a yellow file out of a stack of paper. Then he walked back to John, settling into the chair opposite him and gave him the file.
"This is the case file of the last few strangulations. It's relatively simple, really. There's a drugs dealing point nearly in the middle of Regent's park and a violent addict didn't want to pay and killed some dealers. But we have little problem. He was clever, didn't leave any evidence. We can't arrest him without, but I am fairly sure he still has the rope with him. There must be some victim's DNS on it. I need you to steal that rope. He knows me, so I can't get it myself and the police stupidly isn't allowed to do that their self. Although I doubt they could manage it, that moron's who they are."

John snorted at that comment. They were fools, really. He had gotten himself into a few situations where they could have caught him if they weren't so unbelievable correct with the law. Not that he was unhappy about that.
He looked at Sherlock and tilted his head over the asking expression on his face.
"So, now I do what? Pretend I'm a dealer and steal the rope from him? Go and risk my life for the police?", he asked with raised brows.

Sherlock smiled. "Exactely", he stated, his eyes twinkling again, the same excitement he had in the cab. John shook his head, a grin beginning to form at his lips.
"Sounds good. I'll do it", he said, now fully smirking.
"Then get up, we have to go", the detective ordered, raising from his chair and walking over to the door. Without turning around to John he added: "And put the money back on the table."

John gaped at his back, a blush climbing up his neck.

AN: Sooo, this is chapter six! I know, it's only fifth december, but I'm abroad till the 8th, so I'll post the next three chapters now. Try to read every chaper only on the day for which it is ;) 
The next two chapters will be a one-shot that I split into two chapters. It's a story I have already posted on this account, so I hope you haven't read it so that you don't know it already. But I'll continue Thieves beware after my short holiday, I promise! Sorry again! 
~ Allie

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