December 21

277 12 4

Meet me at midnight (part 2)

I woke with a stinging sensation pressing into the back of my head. My eyes where still closed but the shining read behind my eyelids told me that the sun shone through the window in front of my bed. I rolled on my side, my head thumbing at the movement and groaned while pulling my pillow over my face.

Why on earth had I drunk so much last night? Mike Stamford, one of the lads I played rugby with, had invited me to the Christmas party he had organized at the beginning of the winter break. I hadn't really enjoyed the party at first, not many of my teammates had come to the party and there weren't any girls which were my type, but after the while I had gone to the improvised bar in the kitchen. The first whiskey had been good, the forth had made me a bit tipsy. Now I realized I shouldn't have drunk the vodka afterwards.

I rolled back onto my back and finally pulled the pillow of my head. Staring at the ceiling I tried to remember what had happened after the vodka.
There were only some scenes left in my memory.
Me dancing with some girl, me bumping into a chair and falling over, me giggling over something I couldn't remember, me lying on top of a tall, dark curled boy and staring into his eyes, who seemed to change their colour. Wait. What was that?

I closed my eyes to concentrate better and recalled the scene in my mind. I had stumbled over a bottle on the floor and had landed right on top of that man. To my surprise I had the moment very clear in my mind. How I giggled at him and how he had threatened me and turned us around. And even this… moment, where I had just stared up into his undefinable eyes and my senses had shaken off the drunkenness for a second. The loud thumbing of the music, his chest pressed flushed against mine, the air around us had smelled like nicotine and something that reminded me of labours. And then he had stood up and walked away, not turning around once.

As I laid there on my bed and thought about this mysterious young man I realized I had to see him again. I didn't know why I felt that way exactly and I knew that I would make a fool of myself, after all the meeting yesterday had been super-awkward, but I had to find him. Even if it was the last thing I did.

AN: Happy 4th advent! Only a few days left until Christmas... And the end of A Johnlock before Christmas. 
But don't worry, I'll write other stories after this. 
Thanks to all of you who have read this!
- Sadly, I don't own anything. - 
Merry Christmas, 
~ TheNameIsAllieHolmes

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