December 18

327 14 7

Of shouting and blushing

(Triggerwarning: Much swearing!)

„WHAT THE HELL WHERE YOU THINKING?!", John shouted at Sherlock as he slammed the door of 221B shut. He was bursting with anger, clenching his fists at his site and painting like he'd run a marathon. He glared at Sherlock, who stood directly in front of him, his arms crossed and a stubborn look on his face.
"WHY DID YOU DO THAT, YOU IDIOT! YOU CAN'T JUST PUSH YOURSELF IN FRONT OF A BLOODY GUN! YOU GOT FUCKING SHOT FOR GOD'S SAKE!", he raged, pulling at his short blonde hair while trying to kill Sherlock with his eyes.
"Because he would have shot at you. And by the way the bullet only grazed me. I didn't even need stitches", Sherlock answered coolly.

"You didn't even need- Bloody hell, are you even listening to yourself?! YOU NEARLY DIED TODAY, SHERLOCK!" The doctor shook his head, incredulously staring at his best friend.
When Sherlock heard this, he couldn't hold himself any longer.
"I DID NEARLY DIE TODAY? I?! IF I HADN'T PUSHED YOU OUT OF THE WAY YOU WOULD BE DEAD BY NOW! HE AIMED FOR YOUR CHEST! HE WOULD HAVE KILLED YOU!", Sherlock shouted, worry and relief pulling at his nerves. How could John be so dump and not see that he had saved his live?!

Shocked, John backed a bit away. He had never before seen Sherlock shouting. The detective never raised his voice when he was angry, he merrily fixed you with a death glare. Unsure how to react, now that the surprise had swashed away his anger, John frowned at him. "But why should you risk your live? It wouldn't be any better if you died instead of me.
Sherlock was still boiling with rage. He couldn't think. "BECAUSE I AM IN LOVE WITH YOU!", he roared, stomping at the floor like a child. Then, suddenly, he froze. His eyes went wide as his brain processed what he had said.

John's jaw dropped in astonishment. He looked as wide eyed as the detective while he just stared at him. Then his face softened, his eyes shining gently as a small smile tugged at his lips.
"You're in love with me?", he asked, stepping forward to Sherlock but letting enough space between them so that he didn't touch him.

Sherlock could feel the heat crawling up his cheeks. Why the hell had he said this? Why couldn't he just hold his tongue for once? He watched John's open and friendly face. Well, he couldn't deny it any longer, he supposed.
"A bit", he whispers, his voice tiny. He blushes even deeper.

At the slightly red on Sherlock's face John's heart begins to flutter. All anger forgotten, really it felt as if that was yesterday, he stepped forward again, now standing directly in front of Sherlock and hesitantly slung his arms around the taller man's neck. He stood on his tiptoes, pulling his detective down a bit and resting his forehead against his. Eyes shut closed, he whispered: "Well, I'm in love with you a bit too, you idiot." And with this, he kissed him.

AN: Thanks for reading! The idea for that oneshot i got from a headcanon from tumblr. I don't know who has written it, but credits to them. 
I don't own BBC Sherlock, but if I would, you'd get season 4 now. Because we need it. Immediatelly. 
~ Allie

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