December 9

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Thieves beware (part 6)

Detective Inspector Greg Lestrade couldn't believe his eyes when a black cab stopped in front of Regent's park and two men got out. Sherlock never had company, especially not at crime scenes. The man who followed him was short, had dirty blond hair and walked very straight. He wasn't unconfident, that much could the DI tell. As they reached the yellow tape, Sherlock held it up to let him in. Curiously Lestrade approached them.

"Hi, Sherlock. Thank you for coming. And who is this?", he asked, tilting his head in the direction of the blond. "He's with me", the consulting detective stated bluntly.

"And who is he?"

Sherlock rolled his eyes. "As I said, he's with me. I appreciate his help."

"You what?!", came a spluttered feminine voice from behind them. Sherlock sighed. "John, this is Detective Inspector Lestrade and this", he waved dismissively at a tall woman with long black curly bait who walked up to them, "is Sergeant Donovan." A grin tugged at John's lips as if he knew who they where. Lestrade tilted his head questioningly. WhathadSherlocktoldthismanaboutthem?

"The freak needs help from someone? Are you ill?", Sally snarled at Sherlock didn't even roll his eyes, but strode down towards the body.

"Same as the others?", he asked Lestrade. Greg still watched John as he followed the consulting detective.

"Yes, same again. Any ideas who did this?", he asked, finally turning his attention to the black curled back of the head in front of him.

"A few", Sherlock stated vaguely. He crouched down next to the body and began to inspect it.

A few minutes of silence followed as Sherlock made his deductions. Lestrade had been lost in thought when he startled because of the movement besides him. This mysterious John-fellow had approached him, positioning himself right at his side as he watched Sherlock.

Lestrade scanned him trying to get more information.

"How'd you meet Sherlock again?", he asked when he came to no conclusion.

John smirked.

"Let's say he kinda crossed my way." The blonde's eyes twinkled mischievously as he grinned at the Inspector. But before he could ask what that meant Sherlock rose.

"John, we're going now. Inspector, I'll write you later. I have to check on something before I do any conclusions."

And with swish of his coat the consulting detective and his mysterious companion disappeared into the streets of London.

AN: This fanfiction is nearing his end, I feel it... Not any much longer 'til you get your Johnlock finally ;) 
Btw: I'm back from Berlin! It was soooo wonderful, all the christmas-lights everywhere... *sighs*
- I own nothing - 
~ TheNameIsAllieHolmes

A Johnlock before christmasKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat