December 8

345 16 1

I'll always be there for you (part two)

After what felt like hours of running, they finally came to a halt. Sherlock quickly absorbed their surroundings. They were standing at the edge of a forest, next to a big meadow. As he looked back to John, his best friend slumped down on the ground. Tears began to stream down his face. Sherlock sat next to him and pulled John into a hug. He stroke his back as John sobbed against his shoulders. He nestled his nose into his blond hair, mumbling comforting words. They sat like this untill the sun began to sink. Finally, John sat up. "Thanks, Sherlock", he mumbled, red-eyed.

"You have to go to the police, John. I know it's difficult because he is your father, but you have to. You can't let him punch you all the time. You'll break", he said, reached out and wished a tear from John's cheek. Then he let his hand fall down, suddenly aware what he was doing and blushed a bit. John took a deep breath.
"I know. But not tonight. I can't tonight. I'll go tomorrow… Would you, maybe…?" He drifted away.
"Of course I'll come with you", Sherlock said and smiled a bit, as he gave John his obvious-look. John smiled too. He lay down on the grass, Sherlock doing the same next to him. They looked up at the stars which had come visible at the dark sky. A warm breeze swished over them. After a little while of silence, Sherlock sighed contently. He watched the stars blink and sparkle.
"Beautiful, isn't it?", he whispered to John. But John wasn't looking at the sky anymore. He had turned at his side, so that he faced Sherlock. "Yes", he whispered back, resting his eyes on Sherlock's face. Sherlock looked over at him.
"John, you're not even looking up", he stated, questioningly.
"I don't have to", John said. Sherlock blushed. He turned over to his side too, so that he was facing John.
"John", he started, but the blond boy laid a finger on his lips. "Hush, don't ruin the moment", he whispered and came a bit closer. Sherlock could feel butterflies going mad in his stomach, as he leaned nearer to John. He gently took John's finger off his lips and intertwined their fingers.
"You're beautiful", John breathed. Sherlock closed the gap between them and when his lips touched John's, all his thoughts stopped. Only one word raved through his mind. John. John. John. John. John. The kiss sparked a fire inside him and when their lips parted after a while, he could see John's eyes sparkle.
"John, I promise you, that whatever happens, I'll be there for you", he whispered and kissed him again.

AN: To understand why this is up already read the AN of chapter 6.
~ TheNameIsAllieHolmes


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