December 24

496 15 33

Meet me at midnight (part 5)

I made my way to the big entrance sign of the winter wonderland. I didn't quite understand why John wanted to meet there, after all it was closed since 10 pm. But as I had received his question my fingers had send him Yes. –SH quicker than my brain had been able to process it. I didn't know why I was feeling so anxious to finally meet him again, after all I had only met him the day before yesterday and that hadn't really been a nice experience, but… The picture of his dark blue eyes which seemed to go internally popped into my mind. I glanced upwards at the sky which was very clear to night. I was able to see some stars, astonishing much for a big city like London. And when I looked up, it wasn't the sky anymore but John's eyes.

Quickly I shook my head and stared down at the ground. What happened to me? Why did I go all sloppy and irrational?! I shoved this unpleasant thoughts back in one corner of my mind palace and strode down to the entrance.

John was already standing there, rocking back and forth on his feet - anxious. His hair was a bit dishevelled, he had ran his fingers through it – nervous. He glanced down all the paths where I could come from – impatient. I smiled. He wouldn't look between the paths, where the trees stood and where I came from at the moment. I couldn't observe why exactly he was so nervous, but I could feel the same feeling crawling up my neck. What was it with me today?!

I approached him from behind, being as quiet as possible until I stood directly behind him. "Good evening, John", I said, smirking as he whirled around. Though I hadn't expected him to be have this good reactions. Within seconds I laid with my back in the snow, John laying on my top and pinning me down. We stared at each other for a second, before I began to chuckle.
"I can register a pattern in your habits", I stated, grinning up at him. John got deep red, clumsily crawling down from me.
"I'm… uhm… I'm sorry, really…. Man, this is awkward. You startled me, sorry, really…", he trailed of, avoiding to look into my eyes.
I shook my head slightly. "No harm done", I assured him, brushing the snow from my coat.

He glanced up at me (uh, he was shorter than he had seemed from the distance), smiling lightly.
"You've got some…", he waved his hand in the direction of my head before standing on his tiptoes and brushing the snow out of my dark curls. I stiffened under the touch, staring him right into the eyes. He didn't look back, but quickly pulled his hand back and turned so he stood beside me. He cleared his throat.

"So… uhm, shall we go?", he asked, shooting me an insecure glance.
I smiled and nodded. He led me to the entrance, giving me a mischievous grin. I frowned at him when I understood what he was up to.
"You want to break in?", I asked.

He chuckled. "That's not how I would call it. Let's say, I want to show you something", he said, winking at me and pulling a key out of his pocket. He opened the large grille that locked the park and held it open for me to pass.
He smirked at me. "Ladies first."
To my own surprise I began to laugh. "What a gentleman", I deadpanned. His face lightened up and his eyes began to sparkle, now resembling the night sky even more.

Sherlock Holmes, why on earth are you flirting with this man?, I asked myself, frowning inwardly. I let my gaze wander over him, his friendly and open face which was framed by short, dirty blonde curls, his short but muscular body, and the outlines recognisable even under his winter jacket. He was well build thanks to his rugby training. He was handsome. I had never before found someone handsome, since beauty was a construct based entirely on childhood impressions, influences and role models. I had never led myself down on such mundane impressions, because it wasn't important if somebody I met was good looking or not. But when I looked at John, I found myself fooled by my own believes. He was rather dashing, standing there, snow in his hair and grinning mischievously up at me. Suddenly I had to suppress the want to pull him nearer.

A Johnlock before christmasNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ