December 20

328 15 6

Meet me at midnight (part 1)

I sat on my chair in one corner of Stamford's parents' big house, watching the crowd of young people laughing and drinking and dancing. I didn't know why I had come to this party the first way, though the fact that I would have had to go with my parents and Mycroft Christmas shopping if I hadn't gave me some evidence. The people here were dull. Mundane, every one of them. Just some lazy students, doing a Christmas party near the end of the term. I sighed. Hopefully somebody would start a fight soon so that the party would end.

I let my gaze wander over the moving bodies in front of me, not focussing on anyone because they weren't worth my attention. I let my mind wander to the experiment I had started earlier that day, trying to analyse the results.
I was storing the register of deductions from the experiment in my mind palace, when somebody stumbled into me and threw my off my chair. With a loud thumb they landed on me while my back hit the blue carpet hard. "Ouch", I hissed, glaring at the young, rather short boy on top of me. "Can't you open your eyes while walking around?!"

To my disapproval the young man began to giggle. His breath smelled like alcohol and his eyes couldn't focus. More than a bit tipsy then. I rolled my eyes.
"Sorry gorgeous, didn't see ya", he smirked. Than he let his gaze wander down my chest, checking out what he could see from his position on top of me. He didn't move away.
"Though it's a shame I haven't before", he said, winking at me.

I groaned. What on earth had I done to deserve some drunk twenty-five year-old drool all over me?!
I tried to shove him off my chest but he resisted. I glared at him.
"Get off!"
He sniggled, shaking his head so much his blond hair bounced.
"No, I'm pretty comfortable here", he said, grinning contently down at me.
I gritted my teeth and tried to calm down.
"Get off or you'll regret it", I hissed at him. The blonde didn't even back away a bit. Quite the contrary, he got a bit nearer, his grin getting even wider if possible.
"I don't think I will", he whispered, leaning down to my ear. A shiver run down my spine. Disgust, that was it, disgust. Really. I took a deep breath, collecting my strength and then I pushed myself hard to one side, rolling both of us over so that I was lying on top now.

For a short moment I didn't move, spread out over him and stared into his dark blue eyes. Immediately the picture of the sky on a clear night popped into my head. It was just seconds, but I stared down into his seemingly eternal blue orbs, all my senses sharp. I smelled the alcohol and the disinfectant on him (so he was a medicine student then, interesting), I heard the music pounding trough the floor, I felt his chest pressing against mine.

As quickly as it had come the moment was over and I stood up, brushing nonexistent dirt from my coat. Without looking back, I strode forward, heading to the door and fleeing into the cool air outside as quickly as possible.

I didn't see the dark blue eyes following me until they couldn't see me anymore.

AN: Sorry, sorry, sorry! I feel terrible because I updated so late yesterday and now it's technically december 21 and just update the 20th chapter now! 
Can you forgive me you amazing readers? Christmas time is just soo busy... But I'll give my best that it won't happen again!
This is part one of a little uni!lock. I know, John seems a bit OOC, but it'll get better, promise ;) It's just this way 'cause he is drunk. 
- I don't own anything though you had to wait for this chapter nearly as long as Moffat would have make you waiting. - 
Merry Christmas, 
~ Allie

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