December 22

345 15 6

Meet me at midnight (part 3)

"So, I see you had good company last night", a feminine voice came from behind me. I turned around to find Irene Adler standing right in front of me, her arms on her hips and a mocking smile playing around her lips. I raised an eyebrow questioningly.
"I don't know what you're talking about, Irene", I said. Well, that was a lie. Since this odd… moment yesterday with the blonde boy my thoughts were racing around like mad. I couldn't explain myself why I didn't stop thinking about that man exactly, but strangely enough I knew I wanted to see him again. I shook my head and turned my attention back to the tall woman in front of me, who had a full smirk plastering over her face now.

"So, you don't? Well for that you've just been quite far away."
I sighed. "Can't you get on somebody else's nerves?"
She laughed lightly. "No I can't. I need you to get to talk to this lad again. I think you fancy him", she said bluntly, staring right into my eyes.
I could feel my cheeks go hot but met her gaze stubbornly.
"And how exactly do you come to this assumption? It's ridiculous. I've only seen him for a few seconds, I couldn't constitute any attraction just now." A triumphant grin tugged at her mouth. "So you don't deny you could like him in future. I knew it. You know, women decide in the first 7 seconds if they wanna shag a man or not."

I shook my head resignedly. "I hope you've noticed that I am not a woman."
She smirked. "Yes, but you're gay. There isn't much difference. Go and talk to your little crush!", she exclaimed, then turned around on her heel and swaggered away.
I gaped at her back incredulously. Then I dropped my head, a frown building on my forehead as I headed to my next lecture. Sometimes having Irene Adler as a friend wasn't really the easiest thing.

When I entered the lecture theater I chose a seat at the very end of the large room. This was my biology lecture. I needed to attend it if I wanted to degree in Chemistry, but it was so tedious. The professor always got the details wrong. Really, who exactly did employ these professors? I slumped down on my chair and pulled my phone out. When the screen lit up, I saw the tiny icon that told me I had a new message. Quickly I opened it.
I didn't know the number. The text was short, and I blinked at it in surprise.

Hi there, sorry for yesterday. I didn't want to assail you like that, I was a bit too drunk. –JW

I immediately knew that this was the blonde who had fallen on me yesterday. But where the hell had he gotten my number from? Only a few people had it. Detective Inspector Greg Lestrade, who asked me sometimes for help with some cases, my brother Mycroft, Molly Hooper, a shy medicine student who had a crush for me and whose father was working in a morgue virtually, so I could get body parts for my experiments, and Irene Adler, the only person I considered as something likely to a friend. I groaned. Irene. Quickly I typed back.

Tell Irene she's in trouble. –SH

It was 15 minutes before I got my reply.

How do you know I got the number from Irene? – JW

I frowned at my phone. Wasn't that obvious? Though he was in a lack of information, so I might had to forgive him his dumbness.

There are only 4 persons who have my number, well 5 now that you have it too, and the other 3 are not likely to give it too you since one is a DI, one my brother who works in the government and one a girl who has no male friends. So Irene Adler was the only remaining possibility, and a very likely one too, seen as she knows most people of the universities of London. You study medicine, so you're likely to be in Bart's. I wonder though how you could get to know Irene, even if it's sure she knows you.
Most likely one of your friends is in a relationship with her. But I don't think she'll give the number to anyone, because she knows I hate it, so you have to be close to her partner. Relative probably. As far as I know she is currently with Harry Watson, some girl from her university. You signed you're SMS with JW, so I assume you're John Watson, Harry's brother. – SH

The lecture started and the professor talked about meiosis in front of the blackboard, but I just stared at my phone, tapping inpatient with my pen on my desk. He didn't answer for a long time.
Good job, Sherlock, scaring him off like all the others. Really, that's how you get to know him, I scolded myself, giving up the waiting and beginning to record the results of my latest experiment into my notebook.
When the screen of my phone lit up my gaze immediately landed on it.

That was… amazing. –JW

That's not what people usually say. – SH

What do they say then? – JW

A small smile tugged at my lips, when I typed my reply.

- Piss off. –SH

AN: Aaaaand they get to know each other :D I pretty much like the idea that will follow this conversation tomorrow ;) 
Thanks for reading and commenting! 
- I don't own anything. - 
Merry Christmas,
~ Allie

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