Chapter 2

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"Where have u left your car Mr Aditya? We need to put it in a proper place. You are staying for some more time isn't it?"
"My car! Why..... Its beneath a shady tree."
"Give me the keys then sir. "
Aditya looked at him undecided.
"I understand your car is a prized possession. Mr Aditya. But I handle pricey cars. Everyday."
"Of course its a prized possession. It is my last years birthday gift. "
He turned to Maithri.
"You can trust him with your car Aditya."
"Oh please call me Adi."
Maithri didnt mask her surprise.

Nope. Not calling you with nick names yet.

"Any other belongings you would like to be brought Mr Aditya? "
He shook his head.
"Lets go inside the house Aditya."
"Adi.. "
Maithri smiled n walked towards the house.
Aditya handed his keys to the butler n followed her.
"Aditya see your room and help yourself in the living room. I will be in the kitchen." she nodded at her butler and exited fast.

"So I have stumped Vikram Shanbaug in the contract!" Aditya combed his hair in front of the mirror.
"The toughest business man in the trade...... and I steal his daughter in the meantime he gets his ideas straight......hey wait! Is he putting his daughter in front of me?..... Or is he simply stalling? Stalling why?Maybe just a slip up. Maithri looks stunned. She just ran away. Butler looked surprised. Whatever, not allowing this opportunity pass. Hmm. Where is she? Kitchen. "

Maithri got the butler in the kitchen.
"Did father have drinks in the morning? "
"No dear. "
"Did he bring in his car? "
"No. Why do you ask so? "
"Didn't he behave strange? "
"No, I didn't see anything strange."

Hmm. So you two have fused together. And that guy? What is with the nick names ?

The butler felt guilty for lying. Vikram's words were clear. Don't leave the two alone but don't interfere either.
"You may leave."
Maithri made it clear she knew her father was acting strange and the butler was lying.
She made herself busy in the kitchen.

Better make an extra helping of rice. Aditya will have lunch with us. Father acted strange for sure. The butler knows it for sure. But he is quiet. Why?......Father talked with him near the front door. And the butler went out of his normal style. He observed Aditya from head to toe. What was that?.....
And Aditya? He looked stunned. Then he collected himself. Collected very fast!

"Hello! May I help you in the kitchen?" Aditya's voice startled her. She turned to observe him. He was average looking. Nothing of his face stood out except his grey eyes. Nevertheless he was not a guy one could loose in a crowd. His height made it impossible. He was very tall and had the muscles in all the right places to make any lady look at him twice and men envious.
And right now the complete masculine package stood in Maithri's doorway enjoying her attention. He had craved her undivided attention since years. She was just a teenager when he first saw her. Everyone saw he was struck that day itself. And he along with everyone also knew it was inappropriate to garner a teenager's attention
"I thought you were in the living room! " Maithri realized she had stared for too long. She was curious. She didn't find him irresistible. His charm was subtle.
"I was. But there is nothing interesting on TV. Why are such outdated channels coming on your TV?"
"The whole tv system is old in this house. You could have tried the CD collection."
"None interested me. "
"You are more interested in cooking!!?? Seriously! You don't have a smart phone? "

I do have a smart phone love. But you are the one I want to spend my time with.

"I do have a smart phone. So....I remove my shoes to come in?
"Hmm. " she turned back to what she was doing.
He passed her closely. His cologne reached her. She looked from the corner of her eyes. He washed his hands in the sink.
She had sensed his eyes traveling all over her when they were outside. It was routine for her. She got out of such places fast. However right now Aditya was in the very same room she could not leave. She was wearing a figure hugging peach top on brown pants. She was obviously the most delectable dish on display. And Aditya was uninterrupted, enjoying thoroughly.
"You will take rice right? I have not made chapattis or parathas. I sent my cook away. You will have to tolerate today. "
"Looks like I don't have a choice."
He connected the blender.
"What is in the menu? "
"Purely our food. "
"Are you an expert? "
"Nah. Tolerable. Father is encouraging. Hope things will be eatable. "
"Don't worry about me. I am used to new cooks. My sister used to spoil more than cook. She is better now. Now she cooks non-vegetarian too. " he talked continuously. Maithri wondered how this serious controlled man turned into such a chatter box.
"Do you cook fish? " he asked suddenly.
"No I am a pure vegetarian."
"Ah! But don't you think you are missing it out? "
"No. There are so many varieties in vegetarian food. So many dishes. "
" So non-veg can be forgotten in the taste segment. What about the proteins and minerals? "
"We get them more in vegetables and fruits instead. " she pointed to the salad he was chopping for. She realized he was enjoying a needless arguement "We will be late. "
She picked up speed and found it easier to just smile at him instead of answering his invitations for avoidable arguments. He set the table. She admired it.
"Shall we call your father. Its already one pm. "
"Go on. " she said looking for the pickle jar.
Vikram joined Aditya immediately.
"Where were you till now son? "
"In the kitchen helping Maithri with cooking."
"So you were confusing her with the ingredients. She is not a very confident cook. Excuse her if the food is bland. "
"We tasted before setting out the table. Its decent."
"She is not a trouble maker. She has never required my supervision except for cooking. And I don't know why she gets tense."
"Wasnt her mother a good cook? "
"She was sick with cancer and couldn't teach her well. So she wrote down recipes."
"You were that sure she would die of cancer? "
Vikram sighed. Then put his arm around Aditya's back.
"Lets go son. "

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