Chapter 5

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"So I hear our families know each other. Did our mothers know each others too? "

Now that I am forced in your company you will answer me some questions.

"They used to meet in weddings and such. Had common friends, common relatives, the usual. Besides you have seen me and father come to your house and have lunch. So of course it makes our families friends. "
"So why have I never seen your mother or your sister much?"
"Its normal for school or college going kids to miss social gatherings. "

I am happy you missed most.

"Kids!!! "
"Hey! I was one too. I have also missed many such occasions. I also don't know many people."
"Well atleast you seem to know my family inside out. I am the only one who knows no-one."

Perfect. I also want you to know me.

"Neither does my sister know much about you. But then we left Mumbai since two years."
"I remember attending your sisters wedding. Mother was already diagnosed with cancer. She had insisted she had to attend the wedding. So I had to ditch college that day. It was a lovely ceremony.

I know it was agonizing for you for the open gawks you were getting. But then your parents were sitting beside you. So at least some dimwits were away.

"Saw you busy that day very busy playing host."

Busy sizing competition also. Would have been fun if I was in the city to drag their noses.

" And still you had time for us. "
"Yes. I was hoping for certain smiles to see me through the day. "

Since then, hunh?

Her eyes narrowed.
"Maithri it was a compliment. If you don't like it you can return it back. "
She raised her eyebrows.
"Oh,you will find something in this...... light pole." he pointed to himself.
Her eyes became as big as saucers.


"Ok. Time out. Don't read too much into my jokes. We might not have interacted much before but you are not a stranger to me. And you should take jokes just as they are....... jokes."
"Ok. "

No, you are not a stranger.
You are a locomotive coming straight for me.

The Uninterrupted Suitor Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang