Chapter 7

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"So you and brother Prasanna were in the same college? Any naughty tales about him? "
"Why do you think so? Did he change overnight? "
"No he didn't change overnight or anything. He is such a serious guy. Wanted to know if there are any tales of the gentleman. "
"He is a gentleman like you said. Also he has many genuine friends who are ladies. And if there were any other girls wanting his attention they would have been flung away by his friends. Its not easy crossing into his friendship without suffering his possessive friends. "
"And you two work together."
"I am a very persuasive man Maithri and Prasanna is a good businessman."

There was a pause in their conversation. Aditya looked at her contemplating face. Her eyes were focussed on his hand clutching the swing. It was like she was adding something in her mind and framing the correct words before speaking.
He waited knowing it would be interesting.

"What is the venture you two are working on? "

Added up the dots dear?
Come lets see how much you have found out.

His eyes cleared of emotions. He smiled inside. He wanted her to pry. Even if she didn't she would walk to him eventually. It was by design. And she was just noticing it.
"How much do we know each other Maithri? "
"I said "the venture". The one my mother has one around Puna.  It has come to me."
"I know child. But I will talk to you after your induction. Till then you can talk to Prasanna."
Her eyes lit in anger at the word child. Child or not she would have to step up in the venture sooner or later. Atleast he did admit that he was an associate. It pinched her that she would have to suffer in his company more than she wanted.
"How did my mother end up with you two? "
"Like I said ask your brother."
"Give me one reason why I will be treated unimportant. I am young. I am a girl. Or my favorite I didn't work for it, got it for free, so I deserve to be ignored?"
"I am not ignoring. You are an associate and you will have your say. I think you must be inducted in presence of Prasanna. We will talk Maithri. Your mother always said she would hand over the venture to you soon after your college. It would be your training ground. Tell me how many more months of college."
"Four. "
"Let me talk to Prasanna."
He called. Prasanna was surprised on how Aditya had Maithri to himself. Anyhow it would be time better utilized if she was introduced to atleast what the venture was about. It would make her entrance smoother. Prasanna trusted Aditya.
So Aditya told her about the planet solutions company they had started. Vaidehi with her two associates who were engineers started building machines to purify the polluted air. The venture had broken even recently. The concept itself was not profit oriented. The question was how much could the rich indulge in? How many pricey cars, houses, jwellery and what not? How long would they run the race of pompous wealth display? It was boring after a time.
So they started a venture of cleaning their home planet. They had the education, the money, the land. They just did it. It broke even in Vaidehi's presence. One thing led to another. Vaidehi had already dictated another project for the boys. She wanted Maithri on this.  Maithri had unknowingly given the seed for this project.
Maithri heard him with undivided attention smiling ever so gently. As long as they spoke about the venture her gaze didnt effect him. He was a businessman after all. He was used to uncomfortable gazes. But the moment the conversation turned into the mundane he wobbled. She raised her eyebrows each time he came strongly. She saw his face shine in happiness at her absolute attention. He revelled under her gaze. She was used to boys scrambling to get in her notice.
Aditya was something else. She saw his glee drain into his eyes. His body language became controlled like before. His eyes shone with mischief which she preferred to avoid.

Wonder how soft a knock is enough for your armor to crumble? Not that I plan in tempting fate.

His armor became increasingly stronger. He tempted her to swing at him. She kept herself wrapped in elegance. The conversation meandered from college to movies to books, and all the usual informal topics. He mocked her at times inviting her to confront him. But she only looked at him amused.

Disturbs you dosent it? My composure? So much that now the attacks are open.
Would be fun to see how long you last till you are frustrated.

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