Chapter 10

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The butler gave her a cup of tea and seated her on the sofa beside Aditya. She kept her tea on the table and sat on the edge of the sofa. The employees continued talking to Vikram. Maithri heard the plot unravel. Since early morning she was suspecting her father was upto a sinister game.  She couldn't put a finger on it yet but she felt it around her. She felt even she was one of the pieces being moved in this game. The extra employees were to leave today as the office was closed. But the butler, secretary and cook were to leave with them the next day. Vikram could simply leave with his employees. But he couldn't because of Aditya and his stalled contract signing. Aditya had waited patiently. His overwhelming patience was alarming her. And here her father was removing her guards making a clean pathway for the burly bear to come and cuddle her.

Burly bear?!Cuddle...?! Woah where did that idea come from?!!

Just then Aditya stretched and put his empty cup on the table with a clink. Maithri jumped. She had forgotten he was sitting beside her the whole time. All the men looked at Aditya accussingly. He grabbed the chance.
"Do you have any particular reason to be jumpy? "
"I... er.. "
He shifted away from her.
"I would prefer you not being jumpy around me. People are misunderanding that I did something to you."
"What?!! "
"What are you so edgy about? You are an adult for God's sake! "
She stared speechless at him for a few seconds. Then the anger rose. He arched his eyebrows in challenge. She contained her rage fast. He had tried provoking her the whole evening. She had not lost. And she was not going to attack and risk loosing with her father in the audience.

Not yet. But soon I promise.

She turned to the butler with a tight grimace.
"Have you locked the spooky servant's quarters? "
"Yes. "
"And the rattling windows? "
"Yes. "
"Left the lights burning? "
"Yes. And I have locked the back doors. And Aditya's car is being brought in the front. And dinner is ready. And the documents and pen drive... "
The butler and cook went on.  Aditya went out to see where his car was parked. His car keys were given to him. He called his friend.
"Hey! Has the gang arrived? "
"Yup. And where are you...the only missing one. "
"I won't be coming today."
He held the phone a little away from his ears to avoid the pour of profanities.
"It is serious business. I can't talk to you right now. You guys continue. I will go now."
Soon the employees left. Maithri came out to ask him inside. He followed her inside the office. The two sat accross Vikram. It was a big room with suitable furniture for the occasional office work. The two got down with their heavily stalled work. Maithri stood in as substitute to the secretary. Again Vikram tried steam rolling Aditya.  But Aditya was no push over and had smart come backs. After an hour they came to an agreement. The contract was finalized and signed. It was neatly put away and the three took a breath. It was nearing dinner time. Maithri took leave for the kitchen. Aditya went to fetch his clothes from his car. And Vikram continued to tap on his laptop for other work.
They assembled for dinner. Aditya once again helped lay out the table. The conversation was warm just like during lunch. Maithri joined in the conversation only when specifically asked. She was wary of both the men. It didn't go unnoticed by both. Aditya always felt Vikram's heated glare when he gave Maithri long looks. It didn't deter him.  Maithri didnt need to look up to see the noiseless grappling  of the two males. She could sense it. Both wanted her for themself. Right now she was mad at both.

The two men left her in the kitchen. She stayed to clean it and putting things back in order.
Aditya had just showered when the lights went out. He came out and searched for his cell phone. Didn't take him long to find it.  He wore his shorts and was pat drying his hair when he heard Maithri scream from the floor below. He raced towards the kitchen.
"Go away you.... " she screamed again.
He found her sitting on the floor and frantically kicking while backing and screaming. He put his hands around her waist and pulled her to her feet and backed away.
"Calm down."
He also needed a little assurance himself he thought when he jerked lightly. His hands had slid way above her waist and rested below a pair of... corrupting curves. He felt her shudder more strongly.
"Maithri I will let you go now."
He quickly let go of his clasp. This was not good. Her shuddering back against his chest and heaving breasts on his arms were making his senses haywire. He needed time to be sane again. She didn't give him time. She took a step back and pushed into him.
"He jumped on me. " she shrieked pointing at the floor.
Aditya steadied her and himself. He stepped sideways to see who had attempted on her. And the corner of his lips dipped down in dissapointment. There sat on the floor the finest specimen of a stupid garden lizard. The culprit kept on stepping towards Maithri and she shrieked on cue.

Atleast you have more courage than me!

"Maithri, your screaming is scaring him. Lets drive him away. "
Aditya grabbed a kitchen napkin and put it on the reptile. He then picked the blinded creature and gently threw out of the window.
"Careful lizard. "
She had rolled over his sleeves and was brushing her arms.
"He scratched me. "
"Let's see."
He put her mobile light on her and leaned close to her arms.

What the hell am I doing? I am too close. And when did I catch hold of her arm? No no.... back of.

He fluttered his eyes a couple times.
"Maithri the scrathes are tiny. You apply some coconut oil and you will be fine."
He looked up. She was glaring at him. He let go of her arm and stepped back.
"You should be fine with coconut oil."
He repeated. She didn't answer. She went to fetch coconut oil. His physical closeness had rendered her speechless. The place where he had clasped her tightly was still burning. She suddenly realized he was shirtless or precisely half naked. A lot of emotions passed through her shame, confusion, anger, embarrassment, senses on high alert...

Senses... on alert? Why?

Just then she shuddered at a memory. When he had pulled her up, her behind had felt his every inch.
And in a second all the bottled rage took dominance over her.

Her voice was dangerously low, like she was desperately containing herself. Her jaw tight and her eyes were scrunched in the narrowest line. Aditya looked at what had brought this sudden fury and then it hit him. He had leaned back and carried her behind. He was too fixated on her soft curves on his arms that he didn't realize that she had brushed against his whole....front.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to."
"Leave before I hit you."
"Maithri, I didn't do on purpose."
"I know! But the whole evening with you I am loosing my patience. Leave before I decide you are a pervert. "
It was pointless arguing with her. She needed time to cool down. He started for the kitchen door. She crossed her arms across her chest and looked away.
"Maithri, why were you screaming?"
Vikram appeared at the kitchen door. One look at shirtless Aditya and furious Maithri and the father was bound to ask.
"What's going on here?"

Shit. This is going to take a nasty turn.

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