Chapter 8

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"So you are saying you never had any luck with girls in college."
"One thing my particular engineering faculty did not have any girls. And second do I look handsome enough that girls will throw themselves at me? "
"Well you definitely don't look like a crowd pulling movie star, but don't tell me you got rejected."
"I didn't come across any girl in college who was worth enough risking rejection."
"And brother Prasanna?"
"His friends rejected for him. "

So fast in evading me, love?

"Girls followed him!? But he is so decent! Sometimes I wonder at the way he broods........ like he has experiences. "
"You must ask his close friends. But tell me about you Maithri. Surely you must have couple of attentions you being in a co-ed college and all. "

Finally... Enquiring if I have boyfriends.
Very tempting to say I have a long list of admirers. Which is not a lie either.
But seeing you can't be shooed away, I will stick with the correct answer.

"Its not enjoyable being me. Its annoying everywhere."

Like even right now.

"People think beautiful girls get handed over everything for free. Hence many times we get treated as brainless. Actually we have to work double hard because people are so prejudiced against us. And the jealousy? Real mature. Atleast wait till we beauties actually start misbehaving."

She paused for a breath.
"Nowadays it just bores me. And as far as boys are concerned, I didn't get much attention."
"How come? "
"Something to do with reputation. Once the reputation stuck to me that I am not available people just didn't waste time flocking around."

Suits me too,love.

"Thats not enough to ward of persistent miscreants."
"No its not. I just used a rumor to my advantage. The rumor was that I was going out with someone outside college. Then I fuelled the rumor by asking brother Prashant to pick me from college sometimes."
"The cute giant? "
"He is not cute and he didn't behave cute. The zealous protective large brother checking out all boys around me translated into a possessive boyfriend. And once I overheard couple of students planning to go to a movie I had to use the chance. So me and brother Prashant went to the same show. That just solidified the rumors. And who would not? He dressed for attention and the cars he brought were just perfect."
"Your friends don't know its your brother? "
"Close ones know and they are tight lipped about it. But they don't know my movie show stunt. So they are still laughing it off. "
"Its the oldest trick in the book, using your own cousin. But in your defense he is usable."
"Oh he was the perfect fake boyfriend. Put me on the inside when walking, put me behind in the crowd, held my hand and dragged me out of crowds. We spoke closely into each others ears through out the movie because we were mostly speaking about our familes. And he kept a look around to see if anyone was evesdropping. But it translated into like he was a caveman boyfriend. The message was clear I was his, without clarifying that I was his sister."

Use me next time. Anytime.

"What will you say when you are asked about you roaming with your brother?"
"That I am a single child and I was spending time with my cousin brother. And if people are going to spread rumors before asking then its their head in the gutter. "


He had since long started to own the conversation. He took what answers he wanted from her. He hinted at the answers he was ready to give. Maithri saw it from the very start. Still she played along. It had nothing to do with dominance. The thing was the conversation itself was harmless. The reason being he could find out anything about her from anyone around her. So they talked for hours sitting on the slide. He drawing inferences and she watching him guarded. But then he didn't expect her to turn into a talkative friend.


"How are the two doing? Vikram asked.
"Talking. No action. Very boring to look at." Malhothra answered.
"No fireworks from Aditya?"
"Oh he is smitten. Very smitten. "
"Who isn't? The question is, is she? "
"She is not avoiding him, nor confronting and certainly not charmed."
"Good for us. Its time. Call them. "
"Its late evening. They will come by themselves."


Maithri stood up from the slide.
"Aditya lets go inside. Aren't you getting late? Don't you have a contract to look into? "
"That I do. "
"You were badly in need of a vacation weren't you?"
"How did you figure it out? "
"People like us don't get to go on vacations. And if you are with mother and Prasanna I doubt you got even a sunday. "
"We are not what we are if we loiter. "

And yet here I am wasting time for you duckling.

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