Weird awakenin

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Bree's POV
"I'm such a terrible mom! I shouldn't of said any of it!" I yelled as Karen tries to comfort me, not believing a word about the whole TV thing. "Hey, maybe this is a good thing. For both of you, and you're not a terrible mom! No body's got a guide book to parenting." I just sobbed some more as the power slowly started to go back on in Karen's house. After what happened I thought Karen's husband could get through to the police. He told them that Y/N simply "ran away" but I know how crazy this all is so I just dropped it. "What am I gonna tell Larry?! He's supposed to take her to her drivers test next week!" Bree cries as Karen's daughter walks in. "I'll cover you and say Y/N asked me to take her instead in case she's not found by than" Karen's daughter offers with a fake smile. "No, he should know. I have no right to lye to him about something like this." Bree states heart brokenly.

• Meanwhile •
"Ughhh my whole body!" she complains to herself as the ground stops spinning. As I got up I bumped into... my suitcases?? Well, at least I have clothes. After looking around, I notice a community centre near by. I walked in to see.... Tony?? What?? "You're quite early aren't you." He says while flipping through a packet in his hands, "Hot wiring a car, an robbin a rich men's house. Why've you got those suitcases?" he asked confused. "I'm moving into my aunt's house after we're done here, " I quickly lied. "Can I put these by your office?" Tony pointed by a door about five feet away "Yeah, go ahead. I'll go grab you a jumpsuit." Y/N placed her things by the door, and instantly started screaming in her head. OK.OK.OK. LAST THING I REMEMBER IS YELLING AT MY MOM. I PROBABLY TRIPPED AND HIT MY HEAD OR SOMETHING. I'M DREAMING. Yeah, that's right, dreaming. I started the show yesterday (only getting to episode 5), so I'll probably wake up once I get struck by the lighting! My, thoughts were interrupted as Tony came back with the orange jumpsuit. "Locker room's over there." He said before heading inside his office. I walked in, and almost started fangirling. It looks so real! I hope I remember this when I wake up! I thought as I saw the locker with my name on it. As I changed two people walked in, a pale looking dude with a sharp jaw who I believe is Simon and a girl with her hair in a high pony tail..... OMG IT'S KELLY! Before I freaked out I continued to change, closing my locker just as Curtis walked in. I swiftly made my way out to see Nathan trying to flirt with Alisha. I knew he was tall but damn! At least I'm like.... 5ish inches shorter than him? I was about to walk outside, remembering they meet on the railing when I saw..... Gary. "Hey, um, just so you know the probation worker has anger issues." I foreshadowed but before I could walk out he stepped in front of me, getting in my face. "You sayin I can't handle myself?!" "What? No? I'm telling everyone!" I tried to explain. "What, so they can help me out?! I can fight him on my own! I don't need your help!" he shouted before storming off. Couldn't help but smirk thinking about his VERY near future.

Tony's POV
Once everyone's done changing I headed out to the entrance where I told them to wait as they walked in. I began my speech, "This is it, this is your chance to do something positive. Give something back. You can help people. You can really make a difference to people's lives. That's what community service is all about. There are people out there why think you are scum, you have an opportunity to prove them wrong--" Nathan cut him off "Yeah but what if they're right? No offence, but I think some people are just born criminals. " he sassed while pointing to Gary. I tried to continue on with my speech but Alisha's phone went off. After I got her to put it away Nathan and Gary started arguing, than Curtis pissed off Kelly. Now they're just makin fun of her! Annnnd now Nathan an Gary are fighting. Tony quickly split them up than put them straight to work, quickly leaving before his anger gets to him.

Nathan's POV
Gary's pussy ass stormed off after getting a little paint on his cap! Fuckin stupid! I look to my right and see phone call girl talkin to the ex runner. I decided to talk to the lass in front of me. "What's your name?" I humored, receiving a "Kelly" in response. "Sooo I'm guessin shop liftin?" Nathan started. "Don't act like ya know me, cos ya don't!" She snapped. "Hey I'm just makin conversation. This is a chance to network with other young offenders! We should be swappin tips! Brainstormin!" I dragged on. "Come on, what did you do?" I spur, waitin for an answer. "This girl called me a slag so I got into a fight" Kelly stated, slappin some paint on the bench. "Was this on the Jeremy Kyle show?" "No, it was at Argos" she finished. "You know what you should've done? You should've grabbed one of those little pens they have and stabbed her in the eye!" I than turn to the last chick and pale lookin dude. "What about you weird kid? Don't take this the wrong way but you look like a panty sniffer. " I began imitatin jerkin off, earnin an eye roll from the chick, before weird kid said he tried to burn a house down.


Throughout Nathan's bullshit I was mentally preparing myself for what was about to come. I focused all my attention on the benches, after I painted about half the probation worker showed up. "What happened here?? You've only been out for five minutes?! It's painting benches... How'd you manage to screw that up??" Andddd brace for impact! A huge ball of ice crashed his car, earning a "classic" from Nathan, annnnddd one lands in the water, now dumpster, AND I'M RUNNING! Since I was working on the bench farthest from the building it didn't take everyone long to catch up with me. Curtis tried yanking the door but it was locked, and mixtures of "what's happening?!", "Open the door!", and "hurry up!", was heard until Alisha lost it and shouted above everyone else, "OPEN THE FUCKIN DOOR!" "DON'T TALK TO ME LIKE THAT!" Tony snapped as the lighting struck us. It hurts like hell! But I'm soon going to wake up an--- "OW!" I yell as I land on concrete. "I feel weird, " said Kelly. No. "That would be the lighting," said Curtis. No. "We should be dead" said Simon. NO. "A little reassurance would be nice!" cried Nathan. NO! My mind raced. There's no clocks in dreams! If I can't find one that means I'm still dreaming! I hope......

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