Fuck him

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This whole chapter is in Y/N POV

I surprisingly woke up at 7:30. I got up and quickly changed, grabbing Kelly and I some Aspirin. I woke her hope and got the leftovers from last night, happy how they turned out despite my lack of cooking experience. "Hey, about what we saw last night. If Nathan is really with her, I'll push him off the roof for you." Kelly joked, quickly finishing her food. "If that's the case I'll push him off myself." I chuckled, putting on my shoes. "We taking your car or walkin?" "I think we popped a tire on our way back from last night." "Probably, though it was a good call going somewhere nearby instead of going all the way to the store. " Kelly praised as we walked out. 

As soon as we went to work Nathan shoved a photo in everyone's face, "It's him, the guy who lives with my mom! This is evidence." "What am I lookin at?" Kelly asked as I grabbed a mop. "Cock, anus, bit of ball sack."  he explained, pointing at each one individually. "It's from a low angle, Jesus!" he groaned "Where were you last night" Kelly asked, smirking at me. He didn't reply and began showing Simon as Kelly joined me by a table. "Can you get me a gun?" he asked Kelly out of the blue. "I ain't getting you a gun." she rolled her eyes, irritated. "C'mon, just a little one. Nothing too lairy." he begged. "There's no way I'm gettin a dickhead like you a gun." she sassed. "You can get a gun off the internet" Simon chimed in. "What if we go around there tonight and talk to him? We'll be mature and polite, yeah? Then we'll just tell him to fuck off." he explained his shitty plan. "And if this backfires" I ask slightly amused. "I don't know, we'll improvise! So, who's with me." he asked, doing a weird hand gesture. Annnnnnnnd now here's the rant. I sigh, focusing on something in the room to try and drown out his speech, when Kelly bumped me. "Now's your chance to be alone with him." she whispered as Nathan told Simon how they wouldn't work as a team. "I'll go if I can raid your mom's fridge." I offered, as Nathan began to walk away, serious about the fridge. "If you're takin her food grab me somethin too." he called, walking into the locker room. 

Once we all got changed Nathan and I started walking to his mom's house. "You know, I never did find out what you got done for." "Hot wiring a car and robbing a rich man's house." I answered, remembering what Tony said. "Oh yeah?" he chuckled, "same day?" "I robbed his house, while my ex friend hot wired his car. Turns out, she was related to the guy. " I  answered, half made up. "Well, you tried. How long were you in jail?" "Her relative dropped the charges." "Why are you always listenin to music?" "I find it easy to relate to a song rather than a person." I replied kinda quiet, thinking about how I used music to drown out my parents' arguing. "What type of music do you like?" "Like you'd really care." I bluntly stated, rolling my eyes. "If I didn't I wouldn't of asked." he answered, looking at me instead of in front of us this time. "Anything really, I tend to replay an artist's songs for a day or two than do the same with a different artist and so on. It also depends on my mood." I finish off as his mom's house was in view. "Do you ever sing along to any of em?" he asked looking genuinely curious. "Only when I'm alone, I'm not that good." "Doubt it." he mumbled to himself, walking to a window. 

After I helped Nathan through the window (the door was unlocked) I immediately went into the kitchen, not wanting to be there when his mom shows up. By the time I put a few cans of soda, some pretzels and all the chips I could find in my backpack, I heard his mom. I make my way to where they were just as she slapped him. He stormed out of the house, but as I was about to follow, I remembered where he was going. "I'm sorry about him, community service hasn't been going too well. I'm a friend of your son, Y/N" I introduced myself, deciding to stick around for a bit. "Do you know where he's going??" Jessa asked, worried. "No. So, the storm made it so you'd act like a dog?" I asked Jeremy, knowing what it's like having to keep a secret.... "Yeah. I was really attached to my dog." "I'll replace your radio, or do you want me to just give you some money for a new one?" "No it's okay, we can get it fixed." Jessa said, calmer now. "I know I shouldn't really ask at a time like this; do either of you know how to write a resume?" I asked, wanting to get their minds on something else. "Yeah, here I'll show you." Jessa offered, taking me to a computer.

About an hour later it was all done, and I actually applied for some jobs. "Thank you, and sorry again about Nathan." "No need to apologize, and can you tag along with him the next time he comes over? You seem like someone he can rely on." Jessa asked, smiling. "I'll see if he's okay with that." I smile back, making my way home. By now Nathan's probably shagging Ruth. Stupid granny. Why am I mad? I knew this was gonna happen, and he'll quickly leave her once he finds out the truth. I shouldn't of made him those cookies, and he technically ditched me just now! He ditched me so he can run off to Ruth! He probably didn't even remember that I was there! He probably wished he was with Ruth instead. >:( By the time I reached my house I was depressed, so I just put away the snacks I stole and cried in the shower. When I got out I took some cough medicine and knocked out on my bed, wishing I didn't have feelings.

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