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*This chapter is mainly in Y/N POV*

"Wanker... " Tony mumbled under his breath. "Did he just call me a wanker?!" Nathan cried out again. "Is everyone alright?" "We could've died you dick!" Alisha yelled, clearly distraught. Tony called it a day, and we all started getting dressed. I took my time since I didn't want the others seeing my suitcases when Kelly snapped at Alisha before going back to her hair, Alisha storming off shortly after. Than it hit me. If she reads my mind, she'll know I'm not from here! I slammed my locker shut just as Kelly walked out. Knowing they were just gonna leave I peeked my head out before grabbing my stuff. I looked up and....a clock....I'm screwed! I debated getting Gary out of the stall but if the probation worker shows up I'll just die. Gary obviously won't just leave if I tell him to either... With that last thought I walked out of the community centre, looking for a park or something to think.


Once I got to the park I sat under a tree and started looking through my stuff for the hotel money. Luckily, the American money switched to pounds! I sighed before tracking down my phone and playing some music to calm my nerves. As YungBlud's "King Charles" started playing I couldn't help but think of the irony. I wish I had a place to sleep. I started picturing a two story house with a space-ish backyard, tall brick fence surrounding it (the backyard not the whole house lol), a kitchen separating the backyard from the living room, a fire place in the centre of the main wall, a bathroom next to the garage on the bottom floor, two spare rooms across from a bathroom, a master bedroom, a bathroom connected to it on the second... just as I was about to look up nearby hotels an old man walked up to me. "Excuse me miss, would you like a house? I built one just down the street for my wife, but she suddenly passed yesterday. All my grandchildren live in Ireland so I've decided to spend my remaining days there." I was... ecstatic! But.... I felt bad just taking from an old man. "Are you sure sir?" he turned toward me a little more before responding. "I'm more than sure." with a kind, loving smile. "If you insist." I gave in, turning off my music, and following him to his-- my home. "All my furniture is already cleared out, here we are! It was lovely meeting you!" And there I was.... Jaw dropped to the fucking center of the earth.... at the EXACT same house, I pictured in my head. I turned in the direction the old man had left, but he was already leaving the neighborhood.

I walked in, and saw the EXACT same walls and flooring as I pictured. If I'm still dreaming, I can just think of something and it'll-- THAT'S IT! THIS WHOLE TIME I'VE BEEN SEEING THIS AS A DREAM! Did that affect my power?! Does ..... anything I imagine.... just... appear? I thought about there being a kitchen table, nothing. I concentrated HARD on it being there, but still nothing. I decided to just drop it and went into the master bedroom to set down my stuff. I slipped my headphones back on, and started picturing where I'd put my bed once I got a job. I started wondering what would go with the walls and... IT'S ALL HERE!! I quickly slipped off my headphones but as soon as the music left my ears, things stopped appearing...

3rd person POV
Y/N decided to call it a day but didn't use music to fall asleep like usual. She ended up waking a little before 4 a.m. and got herself some nice, cool water (my cat woke me up just now lol it's 3:54 a.m.) and she began to cry. She'll never see her mother again, let allow make up for their argument. Her dad will never have the chance make up for his mistakes. After a few more minutes she fell back asleep, still not listening to music in case her dreams (or nightmares) come to life. The next time she woke up it was 6:50 a.m. so she turned off her alarm, and decided to take a shower since community service was at 8 a.m. She put some music on, experimenting with her power a little bit. This time she concentrated on the beat of the music rather than the lyrics and was able to properly decorate her room.

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