The probation murderer

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Kelly's POV

"He's gonna kill us!" I yelled while rushing to lock the door. "Nice entrance, very dramatic." Nathan smirked, "The probation workers' gone mental he just attacked me! Something really weird is happenin'! I'm hearing these voices in my head! It's like I can hear what people are thinking!" I quickly try to explain. "Have you been sniffing glue." "The storm-- the lightning-- I don't know it's done something to us!" I hear Y/N think about how sorry she was for me being attacked. "Okay, if you can hear my thoughts, what am I thinking now?" Nathan challenged.  "YOU THINK IT'S BULLSHIT?!" "Of course I think it's bullshit! You don't have to be a mind reader to know that!" "Why are you in a wheelchair?!" I asked panicked. "It was the storm! That tingling I felt in my anus has spread through my body--and now. I can't feel my legs!" he mocked at me. I kicked him before Curtis stood up, "What do you mean the probation worker attacked you?" "This does sound like complete shit" Alisha joined in. At that point all calmness I had was gone, "HE'S OUT THERE AND HE CHASED ME!" "Something's happened to me to." Simon began, Nathan cutting him off "Did you pop you cherry?! Awww we're all very happy for ya!" "Earlier on when we were in the locker room, I was invisible-- I turned invisible." Simon finished. "So she's psychic and you can turn invisible? That seems likely." Curtis scuffed, unamused. "Did anyone witness this miraculous disappearance?!" Nathan sassed, "You were all there!" "Ahhh I think we might of noticed you vanishinging into thin air." "You didn't! I was standing right there; you couldn't see me." At that point Nathan got irritated and told Simon to turn invisible, than toyed with him a bit when it didn't work. As soon as he went towards the door Curtis freaked, "She's telling the truth!" "And you know this how?! I suppose you're psychic now to?!" "All this has already happened once! I opened the door- the probation worker-" Curtis than pointed at me, "He killed you, you were dead! Everything froze, time went backwards!" Nathan still didn't believe us and opened the door, only to shut it just as quick.

"He's right! The probation workers' gone mental!" Nathan shouted just as Tony started slamming the door. I was about to tell them about my power but Alisha said something about meth and they talked about the graffiti before asking for my phone. "It died after Nathan got his soda." I stated as calmly as I could, trying to think of how to warn them about Tony finding us when they started running for the back door. Nathan slipped on the blood and as everyone was focused on his panic I locked the door and put a mop on the door opposite from us to look like a person's shadow. By the time I turned around, Curtis began making his way towards the bloody locker. I hid behind Nathan in a way that made it so I could see Gary's body, but not his face. At the sight of him I- I. I began to hyperventilate. I could've done something! I could've saved him! "I did wonder what had happened to him..." Nathan said while reaching his arms behind himself to help me keep from collapsing. "He's gonna kill us." Alisha finally realized, starting to cry. Curtis than activated her power when trying to comfort her. While they were realizing what she can do I couldn't stop thinking about how I could've saved Gary... "You sick bastard!" I hear Nathan say before the probation worker breaks through the glass, hitting me on the shoulder with the metal he used to get through, both of us falling on the floor. As he started twisting my ankle Kelly hit him in the head with a paint can, Simon and Nathan both pulling me away from Tony. "Is he dead?" Alisha stammered out, "Well I'm no doctor. But you see the way the back of his head's caved in like tha--" "CHAAAAAVVV" the probation worker suddenly shouted, grabbing Kelly. "I. Am. Not. A. Chav!" Kelly gritted while kicking him repeatedly in the head. "That should do it" Nathan pants while moving closer towards the floor. "You killed our probation worker!" "Well he would've killed us!" "We should call the police! It was self defence!" Curtis shout. Already knowing where this was going I straightened myself up and started bringing my breathing back to normal. "Yeah, they'll see Gary's body and do some CSI shit." "They won't believe us!" "We'll tell the truth and stick to our story!" "And what's our story?! That you can turn back time and he can turn invisible?! They'll say we're lying! They'll say that we killed them both!" "If there's no body there's no crime. We should bury them under the flyover." Simon let out just as I snapped back to the situation. "How do we do that! Somebody's gonna see us!" Alisha shouted trying to remain stable. "Nononono we give em a quick little *whistles while gesturing to the bodies* we put them in those wheelchairs, and we're just a couple of young offenders taking some disables for a walk in the sunshine!" Nathan finished the conversation off, me already having two bottles of bleach and some rags.

Nathan's POV
We got the probation worker and Gary about halfway there when Alisha got tired of wheeling Gary and asked someone to take over. I was about to pass on it when I noticed Y/N wheeling the probation worker. I started walking a little faster, "I'll do it if no one else wants to." After Alisha and I switched she and Curtis instantly started talkin, Berry and Kelly in the far back. "How's your leg?" "Kinda hurts but I've had worse." "Like what?" I chuckled. "When I was 10 my ex friend {you already know who ;)} pushed me out of her tree house and I broke my leg." "Sounds like you need better friends" "Well, she ended up having to watch it get bulldozed on her birthday as punishment." "Her parents didn't have to go that far!" "Who said anything about her parents? My uncle works in construction, I had him tell her parents that the tree was rotting or something" she smirked as we reached our destination. We all than dug the hole in silence. Once it looked big enough Y/N and I dumped the bodies in, no one did or said anything, just looked in at the bodies. I decided to lighten the mood a little, "I'm pretty sure this breaches the terms of my asbo." "We don't tell anyone about this, yeah? About the storm, or what it did t us, or anything." Kelly spoke dryly. "We're about to bury our probation officer, we don't need to be drawin any attention to ourselves." I added on, followed by Alisha sayin she didn't want to be a freak while stating to dig. Once everyone was on the same page we all joined Alisha. "How were you doing that?" Kelly asked Alisha, "I don't know." "Didn't you say you wanted to piss? Probably best to keep that between you and your internet service provider."  "So do either of you have a power too?" Kelly asked Y/N and I. "I can do stuff with music." Y/N replied seemin calmer than before. "So hold on, all of you have some kind of special power. Everyone can do something except me! He can do somethin--HE can do somethin and I can't?! That's ridiculous." I complained irritated. "Maybe you can do something, you just haven't found out what it is yet." Berry replied. "Yeah! Maybe I can't feel pain!" immediately after those words left my mouth Kelly and Y/N hit me on the back of the head. "Did you feel that?!" Kelly shouted as we finished the job. We all than changed, double checked that everythin was clean, and went our separate ways. 

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