Brain storming

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As soon as I got home I created a fridge with my power and downed two bottles of wine before just laying in bed, thinking about how I could've prevented all this....Than I remembered that Simon, Kelly and Nathan saved me from the probation worker. I looked through the fridge and decided to make Nathan and Simon some cookies (about two dozen each). I want to hang out with Kelly later so I'll make us some alcoholic drinks than. It was around 1 a.m. by the time I finished so I boxed up their baked goods before forcing myself to sleep with my power. I woke up at 7:20 so I changed into something easy to slip on and had some eggs before heading to the community center (taking the cookies with me). I got changed while Nathan was talking to Curtis and Simon, thinking about when I should give it t them. "You made Nathan and Simon cookies?" Kelly asked, leaning against a locker by mine. "It's a thank you for pulling me away from the probation worker yesterday. I'm gonna make you something more 'adult' when we hangout outside of this place." I explained, smirking at her. "How about we hang out tonight than?" "I'm just moving into my house, is next week okay?" "As long as I get that drink" we laughed as Sally walked in. 

"Gary and my colleague Tony have both been reported missing. Their families are very worried about them. Have you seen anything unusual? Anything at all?" I should've at LEAST finished season one. Now all I really know about her is that she-- poor Simon... Wait, doesn't Nathan-- "A few days ago, I go into the toilets, Tony and Gary were in there. They're butt naked, Tony has Gary by his hair--" I slip my earbuds, trying not to laugh at his gestures. It makes his description 10 times funnier when you can't tell what he's saying! When Sally walks off I slip my earbuds back off and follow everyone to the roof. We watched Sally stare out at nothing, ask as soon as she leaves Nathan starts a conversation, "I think we got away with it." "Do you really think that or are you just dumb?" "I really think that. I mean I was there! Why don't I have one of these bullshit powers?" "You can have mine. You wanna know what people are thinking about you?" Kelly stated. "Not so much no, I want something GOOD. Something from the A list." Simon than brought up that he might be able to fly, so he tried (and failed) to do so. Gotta admit, the idiot was cute at times. We all than went inside, and as we waited for Sally I pulled Nathan and Simon to the side and gave them their cookies. "Thanks for helping me when the probation worker grabbed me. :)" "My pleasure sweety." Nathan smirked, bowing down. "You don't have to thank me, and did you make these yourself?" Simon asked, taking a bite of one. Nathan seemed a little annoyed when he glanced at him but quickly changed. "Yeah, I used to bake a lot with my grandma before she died." "These are amazing!" Simon practically shouted, "They're not THAT good." I laughed, remembering how much better my gram's were. "The hell you mean?! THEY'RE FANTASTIC!" Nathan joined in, making my heart skip a beat.


Bree's POV
"Larry, you have to believe me, Y/N-- she" "I know. During the night of the storm, I sent a drone to drop off her gift, and I put a camera to see her reaction. It crash landed in your backyard and I... I saw the whole thing." Larry grieved. "What are we gonna do?! I was able to call her once but the others don't even tell me that it's not a real number anymore!" I yelled out in frustration. "What landed in your pool?" " A huge piece of ice! It was bigger than my car!" "They didn't say anything about hail in the news. All they really pointed out was that it lasted less than two minutes." "It started in middle of our argument.... Is.... IS SHE IN THE SHOW I PUT ON?!" I began to panic. "If she is, we'll know what she's going through at least. What if we tried calling her while watching it? What show did you put on??" "I...It was Misfits... OMG IS SHE HOMELESS?!" I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a drink to calm my nerves. "If she's in there... is she doing community service?" Larry asked hypothetically. There was a pause before it hit me, "Karen said she saw Y/N at the park before our argument. You think she might know something?" "You mean your entitled ass neighbor? I bet she made Y/N want to die even more than she normally does." "What do you mean Larry?? She wanted to die??" "Well, yeah. She told me all the time how she'd rather die than hang out with Karen's daughter. You always complained about money so she thought being with them would get you focused on work." "What if... Y/N really didn't do anything wrong..... and she wanted to go somewhere other than here, because she knew you wouldn't believe her." As soon as those words left his mouth, I grabbed a bottle of wine and made my way to the couch. 

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