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I woke up with the worst back pain of my life! I stretched until I heard a crack and checked my phone. I have an hour and a half before community service so I hope in the shower for 20 minutes and just soak in everything. Nathan lives in my house! Do I have to wake him up?! I probably should since he hasn't had to actually GO to the community center. I sigh while making my way into the kitchen. I started making us some scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast. "Something smells good!" Nathan shouts while running down the stairs half naked. "Put some pants on! We leave in 50!" I retort, putting our food on some plates. "What do you mean I can't eat breakfast in my underwear?!" "If you want breakfast AT ALL go put em on!" I set the plates on the table, trying not to think about Nathan's SpongeBob boxers. 

Nathan ran up stairs and back in record time, grabbing my tea kettle, "You want some too?" Before I could reply he grabbed two mugs, "Yorkshire or Lipton?" "Yorkshire" I replied, shoving some eggs in my mouth. He set our tea down and started scarfing down everything. "How you liking the room?" I ask, putting my empty plate to the side. "Do you even have to ask?? It's wayyyyy better than that dirty old mattress." he chirps, trying not to choke. "No shit, try not to trash it on the first week" I chuckle, putting my dishes in the sink. I ran upstairs and threw on my shoes, grabbing my phone from the charge. 7:45, I sigh picking up my purse. "I'mma go on ahead" I tell Nathan as I raid my fridge for a water bottle. "I just finished, and there's no way I'm lettin a lass like you walk alone~" Nathan winked as he finished cleaning the dishes.  "I could've done those when we get home." I proclaim as we walked outside. "What kinda gentleman would I be if I let you do that?" he hummed, holding his head high. "Ohhh I thought you were just a prick! Guess your mum really did teach you some manners." I tease as we approach the building.

Nathan's POV

Why did I wash those dishes?? I walked a bit faster and opened the door for her, "Ma' lady" I bowed, smirkin. Nobody said anythin about yesterday, at least while Y/N was around. As soon as she went to the toilets everyone wouldn't stop talkin about IT. She got back just as I opened my locker. "You know that note that you found in your locker? I think it was talkin about the probation worker..." Everyone gathered around, speculatin if it's the new worker. Barry offered to turn invisible so I just went with it. We all left him in the locker room and meet up with some blonde prick who doesn't know how to fully button up a shirt. "All these clothes have been donated by the public and you need to sort them before we ship them off to Africa." "Another day in paradise." frizzy hair complained. "I'm sure the people receiving them will appreciate your hard work." "Well they should be, they're getting a new wardrobe." she sassed, throwin a bag down. He pointed to where everythin goes than asked if we had any questions. I immediately raised my hand, "If a bear and a shark had a fight who would win!" I hear Y/N giggle next to before the blonde said somethin about relevant questions and the bear winnin on land. 


Yes! This is one of my favorite scenes! Nathan and I jumped on a pile of clothes, Kelly following, Alisha already raiding the clothes, Curtis after her. We are having a BLAST throwing clothes around, trying some on, getting Nathan to slip on some. After the first few minutes I kinda started to work by throwing clothes based on who was by each section. "Ski wear! Classic, try walkin ten miles to the well in these" Nathan remarked, holding up the shoe. As he was doing his bad bano impression I found a cute dragon onesie. I want it soooo bad but i'm not about to steal donations. The blonde dude came back with more clothes just as Sally walked in with the girl that makes people bold. Can't believe Alisha hooks up with THAT. Nathan joined me shortly after Kelly left, "You want it don't you." "Mayhaps," I reply setting it in my personal sleepwear section (it's easy to carry them all at once than constantly getting up and doing it one by one). "Well you may take it if you like." he hummed, picking up a roller skate. "I'm not gonna steal from people who actually need them." I explain, picking up some socks. "I've seen your house, the only clothes you have are the ones in those suitcases." he remarked, putting the skates on. "Our house, and i'm still not taking it." I stand, putting all the sleepwear (including the onesie) in the box. When I turned around Nathan was strolling passed the window, waving his arms. The rest of us were holding back laughs as Sally yelled at Nathan to take the skates and goggles off. I helped him take off the skates, Kelly storming out shortly after Nathan put on a white coat. 

Sally let us off for the rest of the day and I was NOT about to go anywhere near Alisha and Curtis. I went up to Nathan's "old room" and put on some music. From where I was I could see Nathan.... looking through the sleepwear box?? I sighed but couldn't help but smile as he pulled out the onesie. He put it in his jumpsuit before walking to the vending machine. Since I was listening to music and no one was around I cut down our work by 30%. I wanted to do more but if I did it'd be noticable. I got down and made my way to the locker room just as everyone else walked in. Kelly explained to Nathan what the chair was about as we got to our lockers, Simon appearing by Curtis. Since I already know how his time here was spent I continued changing while they were focused on him. I was done before Nathan was so I decided to wait outside, Kelly following. "What happened yesterday?" "He showed up, we argued, I forgave him, he got me ice cream, we went to his parents, and now he lives with me." I recite, fixing my shirt. "Must be a pain to deal with." she chuckled, looking at the sky. "Actually, he's..... different. He washed the dished this morning, made me tea, held open the door." I trail off, eyeing the door in case he shows up. "You sure you went home with Nathan??" she asked dumbfounded. "Awww you waited for me!" Nathan shouted, walking towards us. "In your dreams. Unlike you I have friends" I sassed, flipping my hair. "See you tomorrow" Kelly chimed, walking away. 

"You wanna grab some pizza or something?" Nathan asked shortly after we started walking. "We could go buy one. Or I can make it." I hummed, thinking about what we have at home. "Well if YOUR makin it than I'd be stupid to refuse!" Nathan cheers, "We can have a movie night!" "Now we're talking! No sleep tonight!" I exclaim, skipping the rest of the way. When we got home we put our stuff down and I instantly got to work on the dough. While the yeast was rising I got to work on the sauce. "Y/N!!! I'm going to my mom's real quick!" Nathan yelled, heading to the front door.

I didn't know what kind of pizza he liked so I just settled on pepperoni. As soon so I got it in the oven I set an alarm and ran upstairs to get into my night close. Once I got upstairs I immediately noticed the onesie in front of my door. I giggled as I picked it up, heading to the bathroom. After I used the toilet I washed up and slipped on the onesie. I put the hood on and made my way down stairs. "Took you long enough! I've been freezing my tits off outstanding!" Nathan shouted from the living room. "To be fair, you're the one who left when I started on the food rather than when it was halfway done." I sassed, just as the pizza's timer went off. I quickly took out the pizza and turned to the living room. Nathan was standing by the TV, smirking as he gestured to the coffee table. It was completely covered in all my favorite snacks! And there were candles around the living! And..... OMG "NATHAN YOU LOOK SO CUTE!" I ran over, giving him the biggest hug, "I may be a knight, but I'm not about to slay no dragon!" Nathan proclaimed, setting me down on the couch. He ran to the kitchen, returning with two plates of pizza and some wine. We snuggled under my favorite blanket as Snow White began.

Nathan's POV

A few movies in I feel a weight on my shoulder. I turn off the TV, and carefully lay her down. I put out all the candles, washed our dishes and put away the snacks. What's up with me? Why am I doing this? Whenever I saw any other lass all I thought about was shaggin her but with Y/N? And lately I've only been think about her. I sighed, lookin over at her sleepin form. She looks adorable, I'm so glad I stole that hoodie. Her poor back! I picked her up and headed up stairs. Since she has a loft bed I put her in mine and got in hers. My head nodding off to her sweet scent.

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