Chapter 1

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Fast forward to a year...

Keith jumped out as soon as he tried to plug the computer and received an electric shock.

'Son of a bitch' he shouted out.

As soon he did he turned around to see if anyone heard him cursing.

There was no one around and Keith sighed in relief. Cursing was a great offence in his conservative household. If anyone did hear him he might end up with a penalty to not being able to use internet for a couple of days. And frankly, he doesn't want to risk it as his project submissions were looming.

Keith logged himself into his social network account. He never used it for socializing, unless socializing included being notified for Olympiads, comparing notes and to send his homework to some of his class mates so that he doesn't end up being wedgied at school. 

As he scrolled through his news-feed all he saw how people were better off. Taking vacations, going out of the country and sipping drinks in sunny beaches, eating out or in genuine hanging out with friends. His family being extra strict as it is, would never allowed him.

Soon enough he felt the news-feed kept on repeating the same thing, so he switched over to see which of his friends were active to help him with the Geography homework.

As he scrolled through the list, a picture with glasses caught his eye. And with a green dot beside the name told him the fact that she was right across another screen.

Even though the girl wasn't in front of him, he felt heat all over his body and the blood reaching his cheeks giving him a shade of blushy red.

He slowly moved the cursor over the name "Helen Rose" . After hesitating for a solid minute he clicked the name. A blank chat box popped up awaiting like a modern technology pigeon  to deliver his message to her digital window.

Now comes the hard part of all. The first (?) impression to make, pretty sure she has forgotten all about the team thing. The "sliding into her dms" wasn't something that Keith mastered but google is there to the rescue.

After half an hour of researching with hesitant fingers he typed on...

Hey, you do know by our constitution you are supposed to reply to me .

After texting that he realized what a dumb-ass he is. It is not creepy text or has a dick pic attached to it but it is pretty dumb. And actually doesn't seem like a witty idea any more.

Suddenly a white chat bubble with dots started to form. far as I know there is nothing like that in the constitution

But you just did reply back to me.


Keith cannot believe that worked and he high-fived himself. His heart was racing super fast and he had a stupid grin all over his face. In his perspective he was a cool boy now. 

'Smooth as silk' he thought to himself.

Now the next challenge he faced was how to keep her talking and not bore her out. Because coincidentally (!) that was his forte...

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