Chapter 2

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How come we never meet?

I don't know actually.

Well probably because you tend to ignore me.

That's just ridiculous

Alright we shall meet.

That sounds like a swell idea.....

Keith looked at the computer screen. This wasn't a swell idea, this was a freaking nightmare coming to live.

Keith tried to be the best he could when he talked with her. He wasn't creepy in anyway or geek her out with his bookish knowledge. But now....Oh no!

It was easy for him to read and re-read his text couple of times before sending it to her. But a physical encounter is way too vulnerable for him. He might end up saying something that he will regret for all his life. Or worse she might realize his weird reaction to her intense presence. 

Keith held his head in frustration.

'Look man.. you and her have a lot of common interests. Plus you have female friends, what's wrong talking to her?' Keith tried to reason in his head.

Even though it seemed very normal but his heart raced quite a lot and he couldn't stay still. He walked in circles all over his room. And finally settled down for the fact that he ain't talking to her. Not just yet....

At class next day, Keith looked around carefully while James was explaining him the last night's wrestling match.

 After Joe left for another school, Keith had a bad time making friends since not a lot of people tend to be friends with a geek. High-school is like a battle arena and mixing up with the unpopular people might cost them all the glory.

But James was a great guy and was the new mate of Keith. He was quite similar to Keith...geeky but however he had a weird obsession with weird sports. 

'Hey Keith', James talked louder, 'Are you even listening to me?'

'Yeah yeah...I am listening. Two mostly naked guys pining each other down for a belt' said Keith sarcastically.

'I mean they don't even wear pants'.

James looked at Keith suspiciously. His friend is acting all weird today.

'Why is all flushed and jumpy? Is he okay?' James thought to himself.

'Hey?' he shoved Keith, 'Are you okay man?'.

'Yeah yeah I am okay dude...Chill out' said Keith.

As soon the bell rang Keith jumped out of his chair and ran out of the class. James saw how he ran out and nodded his head in disappointment. He knew this guy will go nuts someday and frankly that day wasn't that far. 

Keith was running through the corridor and hid in the bathroom. He had memorized Helen's whole schedule and know exactly how to avoid her. 

He laughed and thought to himself, 'Like a fucking ninja'. And he sat down in the empty bathroom stall. He felt quite happy and certainly not pathetic at all....

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