Chapter 6

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Keith saw Rose enter the library and looking for him. Of course she was looking for him, he was offline for 2 straight days and didn't even check his texts. The hurt, the rage, the whirlwind of feelings going through him was unbearable. 

When he found out she has a boyfriend, he constantly asked as to why she lead him on. All those times spending together, all those special moments and she didn't even mention him.

'Fucking bullshit,' Keith murmured to himself.

Rose waved at him enthusiastically but Keith took no notice of it. He tried to concentrate onto the book in front of him.But he could feel Rose coming towards him. 

'Such audacity' Keith thought to himself. ' Doesn't she even know what she has done?'

'Hey' she tapped on his shoulder .' How did you vanish again Houdini?'

' I am sorry, I wasn't feeling really good,' Keith tried to concentrate on his book again.

'Are you okay? Did something happened?' Rose seemed concerned.

'It's none of your business ,Rose' Keith slammed the book shut.

Rose backed away a bit, astonished. People started looking at them. The librarian was also peaking through her glasses and figuring when to interfere with the "Stay Quiet Please".

'Did I do something? I am really sorry if I did something wrong' Rose tried to be apologetic.

Keith packed up his bag and looked at her directly this time.

' Honestly Rose, it doesn't even matter now', Keith moved out of the library, leaving a hurt Rose who honestly no idea as to how she triggered him.

As Keith reached the cafeteria, he could see Clara sitting alone.

Clara is a childhood friend of Keith. They have been friends as far as Keith could remember. He came and sat next to Clara and tried to sneak a chip from her.

Clara upon noticing, slid her chips closer to Keith.

'Thank you so much.' Keith started gobbling them up.

'What? No Rose today?'

Keith choked when he heard her question.

' Nope, heard she got a boyfriend.' Keith said with his mouth full

'Oh my god Keith, I am so sorry to hear that. You guys looked so cute.' Clara half hugged Keith in sympathy.

'Thank you. So what did I miss out?'

Clara started to talk about the new goss that was going around the class. Keith phased out while she was talking and started to think about Rose.

Keith tried to remember how she smirks with her lips pressed together. How she gently pushes her glasses against her nose while talking. How she moved her hands when telling a story. As he thought about all these an overwhelming pain washed all over his body. 

As the free period ended and it was time going back to class, Clara already told him about the get together that week and made him promise to not miss this one.

Keith halfheartedly agreed and thought to himself that maybe if he focused on his friends and on himself for while. He just might not be miserable. Maybe he can get over whatever pain he was feeling and that would be a relief. Things will be back to normal.

As Keith finally reached home and logged into his account, he could see Rose sent a big text just five minutes ago.

Even though it was wrong, even though it would go against everything  he planned to do to get better. He hesitantly pressed on the message.

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